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Obstacles Hadroit

Obstacles Hadroit (a.k.a. Captain Brulee)

Considered an artificer before the age which most of his peers could be considered proficient with a pencil, let alone tools and magic. Yet, Obstacles has always been drawn by the power of communal dining.   He always opted to build cooking robots and machinery. What good is technology if it's not used to enrich people's lives? Obstacles has wholeheartedly embraced the teachings of Hera, working to interpret and employ them in his own way. Hoping one day to garner the Goddess' attention for merely a tasty morsel made in her honor.

Mental characteristics


Leaving just this year for Ain Shams University to pursue formal artificy education.


Until leaving for Ain Shams University, Obstacles worked in one of his parents restaurants building and repairing the cooking robots.

Failures & Embarrassments

That one time he was conned into buying canned salmon was "just as good as fresh," from the shifty salesman in a broom closet in Gold Bottom.

Mental Trauma

At the time he was born, the Paris magical world was non-existent. His parents moved in to begin developing the area into the up-and-coming area that is now is.

Intellectual Characteristics

"So smart he's stupid." Obstacles is known for being one of the most intelligent people at the college, but that by no means indicates that he knows what day, month, or year it is. He can calculate the sheering forces of two metals of different densities, but don't expect him to know anything beyond hyper-specific artficey knowledge.


Canned foods Inefficient design

Personality Characteristics


To improve his circumstance, grow out of his parents shadow, and serve his Goddess.

Visionary, kind, food-motivated.

Current Location
Paris, Yukon, Frigusia
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Date of Birth
15 April 2296
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Greek English Icelandic Norwegian

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