BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Jordain Sommerset

Jordain Sommerset

Jordain is the bubbly, outgoing best friend to Reyna. She wears her heart on her sleeve and wants to do the best in the world; however, she is not naive enough to believe Earth United is a beautiful society and she sees the flaws.

Physical Description

Body Features

Curvy & tall

Identifying Characteristics

Often wears her blonde hair straightened and in a pony

Special abilities

Jordain is a gifted talker / very charismatic and people are drawn to her

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis-gendered female


Jordain calls herself 'fluid' - meaning she likes anyone.


Earth (UK) Junior Venus Academy (16-18) Venus Academy 18+


Cadet Specialist (after graduating)

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Jordain loves people, dancing, and music. Jordain dislikes fake attitudes

Vices & Personality flaws

Jordain wants to be a good person but she struggles with the morality of her decisions throughout the first book - but a bit less than Reyna does.


Family Ties

Katrina - Mother Niamh - Mother

Social Aptitude

Jordain is great at navigating a room and social situations. She is a fast talker who comes across as genuine and sweet.


Jordain is helpful, friendly/bubbly, and willing to stand up for herself.

Jordain is an outgoing girl who lights up every room she enters. She hides her secrets well and only shows others the fun and loving side of herself. She wants to be a navigator but is well suited for a personal relations role.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Cadet Specialist (after graduating)
United Kingdom, Earth
Current Residence
Blonde Coils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Honey Brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
It's all coming up sixes & sevens
Known Languages
Common Tongue

Jordain's Backstory

It absolutely wasn’t fair. It wasn’t like I had done anything massive! Seriously?   “ERG!!!” I slammed my bedroom door shut.   I heard my mothers downstairs, “This, this is why - she needs more discipline!”   “Katarina, please, we both know the real reason. We tarnish what she can bring to the Militia - up there.”   They both must have moved to another room because it was harder to make out their muffled voices now. I knew I couldn’t cry - I absolutely refused to cry. So what if I had punched a girl - they didn’t know what she was saying about her mothers! It wasn’t like I hadn’t been teased by heteronormative kids my entire life, because I had. It was the insults on having my heritage and my own sexuality questioned in the most perverted and disgusting way over and over again. So, I hit the brat as hard as I could in her mouth.   I smiled remembering the shock registering on her face and then instantly wished I hadn’t done it. I almost regretted it now, sitting on my blue comforter. I did not want to go to Venus! Spacers were utterly obnoxious and hoity-toity about us “Earthers”. It wasn’t like I could tell anyone up there why I was going to the Venus Militia Academy - Junior Academy, whatever it was bloody called.   I flopped on my back and looked up at my ceiling, which happened to be covered in glow-in-the-dark green stars. Sighing I rolled over and looked at the posters and pictures covering my walls instead. Having gay parents and going to live on Venus was not a thing I could do. Okay, I could do it; however, I’d never be able to talk about my family or my life up there! It was just so unfair!   I literally punched a girl today for her heteronormative views and now I’m being punished by going to the most homophobic place in the galaxy! The irony - that’s exactly what this was! I decided to curl up under my thick comforter and perhaps let a tear or two slide down my cheeks.   I must have fallen asleep because when I woke it was night and Mama was stroking my hair with an arm around me. I didn’t want to scoot closer to her but I turned into her and took a deep breath. Almond butter and jasmine’s, that’s what she smelled like. I’d have to remember this smell - who knows when I’d see her again. I took a shaky breath and heard her sigh.   “It’ll be alright luv. There, there- “ She pulled away and her dark brown eyes stared into mine.   “It’s just -“ her brown finger came up to my soft pink lips.   “I know. It’s not a place that … welcomes your mum and me. Sometimes, you have to live through the challenges to figure out who you are. What future do you have in a failing economy on Earth? None. I know you’re sixteen and that’s not something you care about, but someday you will. This is really the best choice.”   I nodded, tears filling my brown eyes, and sighed.   “One more thing luv?” She paused and searched my eyes before continuing, “The opinions of others are like free advice, yeah? Take it for what it is worth, free. One more for my luv, hmm? And I want you to remember this one the most. Unsolicited advice is normally about the needs of the giver, not the receiver. Make sense?”   It didn’t, but that didn’t matter. Mama was a walking quote machine and as corny as she was, she was right. One day I’d look back and remember her words and not the tears, or so I hoped.   “I’ll miss you Mama…”   “I’ll miss you more, luv.”   I smiled then, the tears gone. She leaned forward, kissed my forehead and I inhaled her wonderful almond butter and sweet jasmine floated back up to me. I hugged her for longer than necessary, but she needed to know I really loved her.   “Luv, go see your Mum. She acts tough, but sending you away will really be the hardest thing for her. She’ll never stop crying if you leave mad at her.”   With her parting words, she smiled and walked away. I sighed, she was right. Mum was the passionately sensitive one, which is perhaps where I got it from. I stood up and followed her sweet path downstairs. Mum was on the couch, red-eyed and pretending like snot hadn’t just been dripping down from her nose. I knew better than to smile at that, she’d have a moment.   Instead, I went and sat next to her on our old brown couch. I put my hand on her knee and she put her arm around my shoulders. “I’m sorry I yelled, Jordain. You know-“   “Mum,” I interrupted her softly, “Don’t apologize. I know and I love you, this really is something we all know I need to do. The Academy down here isn’t going to do anything for my career or our lives.”   “Your life, darling. Your Mama and I will be completely fine. It’s for your future we worry. Coming from an LGBTQ family means you’re more unlikely to get promoted from Earth up. If you’re on Venus and the stigma of our… brand isn’t covering you - well, then you don’t have us holding you back.”   I could see the tears in her blue eyes. I tucked a piece of her curly blonde hair behind her ear, “You’ve never held me back. I’ve been blessed to have two parents who have always supported me with their hearts and souls. I couldn’t be more proud to come from the two most amazing women. No matter what Catherine and her groupies say - I didn’t punch her because I was ashamed. I was angry and I’m sorry - we both know I get my passion from you.”   Her tears were slipping and she was laughing. I knew she’d be okay - she always was, but she needed the pick-me-ups sometimes. She kissed my forehead and whispered to me.   “Promise you’ll write. I know daily isn’t something you’ll be able to do, but we’d love a note once in a while.”   “Don’t worry, I already penciled it into my diary. I love you, Mum.”   “I love you more, sugar plum.”   I grimaced at her words, but I hugged her anyway. She smelled like vanilla and wheat - she must have been outside in the garden today. I smiled and reminded myself to remember their scents, scent memories lasted longer than visual memories.


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