Vecna, god of secrets

Vecna is the most hated god in existence. As the god of secrets he makes everyone's business his business. He uses his knowledge to manipulate people into giving up their secrets for a wish, which always backfires. This has brought him into conflict with every other god. Except The Traveler, oddly enough. On the surface the two of them should be fighting constantly. Vecna hordes knowledge for the power it represents, The Traveler gives knowledge away without a care.

Vecna has never shown his form to anyone, guarding that secret as closely as any other. However his most faithful have an image of a corps missing an eye and hand. Which ones he is missing varies, but both are always gone. This image has also given rise to his most common nickname, The Undead Bastard.

This all changed in 5054. In the first hour of the first day of the year she revealed her true form: a winged female tiefling with a decayed left eye. She also began giving more direct orders to her followers.

Vecna has no friends or allies, and is counted as an enemy by every other god.


This article has no secrets.


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