Edge of Neuro Compatible

Monday, 11 June 2159 CE

Edge of Neuro compatibility is a genetic mutation that results in a single microgyrus forming on one hemisphere of the frontal lobe. The most common hemisphere for this gyrus is the left hemisphere. The microgyrus is the location which Edge of Neuro Implants must be placed. As such, only those who have this condition can receive the implant.


Health Issues

Individuals with this condition have an increased rate of infection as well as increased severity of infection when compared with their non-affected peers. It is believed that being Edge of Neuro compatible is directly linked to a less responsive immune system, which leads to these potentially life-threatening infections. Obtaining the Edge of Neuro Implant neither lessens nor reverses the effects of the condition on the immune system. Instead, it has been shown to aggravate the situation in roughly ten percent of recipients.


Despite the drawbacks of the condition, there are benefits as well. Some of these benefits are an increased sense of awareness, a larger range of consciousness, and an accelerated speed of consciousness. These features make many Edge of Neuro compatible individuals geniuses in whatever fields they take interest in. For example, Elijah Roux is considered a prodigy in the fields of electrical engineering and programming while Katerina Jones is considered a prodigy in physics and judo.


Government Interest

Only the government of the Great American Alliance has put any interest in the condition. Even they have only taken an interest for their own gain. They developed the Edge of Neuro Implant to specifically manufacture their own "breed" of super-soldier. The condition already allows the affected individuals to excel in most fields, and the implant only enhances their natural capabilities. In combination with physical training, these super-soldiers can outwit most modern military units single-handedly.

These super-soldiers are considered the GAA's trump card. The world only hopes they can stop World War IV before it happens.

Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

Cover image: The E.O.N. Project Cover by Aydan Nightshade with Canva


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