Maglev vehicle Vehicle in Earth, Year 2267 | World Anvil
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Maglev vehicle

A commuter vehicle that travels along a set track (a mag-lev track), like a personal train car. Most maglev cars are found in larger cities though there is one cross-country maglev track that goes from the New York Metro Complex to the Republic of Califorina with a stop by in The Sink, New Colorado by skirting the Uninhabited Wastes.   This system uses two sets of magnets: one set to repel and push the car up off the track, and another set to move the elevated car ahead, taking advantage of the lack of friction. As such, high speeds can be reached on these vehicles, sometimes comprable to plains or high-speed trains.   Also, since they follow a set track, they take very little attention or action to drive, so the driver can just input their final destination and sit back and read a book or even nap.


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