Arthur Emerson Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Arthur Emerson

New York importer/exporter

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and well muscled; now starting to soften physically in his middle age. His brown hair is still thick and neatly groomed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: business card found in Jackson Elias’ hotel room (Carlyle Papers America #5).
The proprietor of Emerson Imports, Emerson is a native New Yorker who has worked hard to build up his business. His desire for material wealth means he often turns a blind eye to numerous shady shipments passing through his warehouse. He spoke with Elias during his brief time back in New York and is surprised (and saddened) to hear of his death.   Roleplaying hooks: Emerson doesn’t ask too many questions so he can maintain plausible deniability should the police come knocking, but his dislike of Silas N’Kwane and genuine shock at Jackson Elias’ death mean that he is happy to point the investigators towards the Bloody Tongue’s headquarters (Horror at Ju-Ju House, page 154). He also provides a name in Kenya: Ahja Singh (Mombasa: Seeking Ahja Singh, page 396).



His gaze is direct and his manner bullish. He gives the impression of a man who is used to getting his own way, and one who does not scare easily.
Current Location


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