Bradley Grey Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Bradley Grey

Erica Carlyle’s New York City lawyer; a partner at Dunstan, Whittleby, and Grey.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A slender, slightly foppish white man with dark, wavy hair that is graying at the temples. A brilliantly white smile, his otherwise fine features are marred by worry lines around his eyes and mouth.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: mentioned in newspaper reports concerning Erica Carlyle’s takeover of the family business.
  • Link: investigators are directed to Grey if they wish to set up an interview with Erica Carlyle (Meeting Erica Carlyle, page 132).
  • Link: present during any formal interview with Erica Carlyle (Erica’s Interview, page 133).
Erica Carlyle’s chief confidant is Bradley Grey, a partner in the law firm of Dunstan, Whittleby, and Grey, at West 57th Street, New York City. His name is frequently mentioned in newspaper reports concerning the shift of control of the Carlyle fortune to Erica.   Bradley Grey did not like Roger, and he knows virtually nothing about M’Weru’s influence on Erica’s brother. Grey is discreet, but tends to panic if publicly embarrassed or compromised. If he thinks the investigators have something of value to tell, or if the investigators somehow otherwise convince him to do so, he will arrange a meeting with Erica, though it may take a week or so.   Roleplaying hooks: if handled correctly, Grey may provide an introduction to Erica Carlyle.



Projects a professional manner and urbane charm, which sometimes strays into overfamiliarity. He often touches people on the arm or knee while talking to them, although not in a solicitous manner. This superficial charm evaporates when he is frightened, leaving him flustered; when this happens, he reddens visibly and develops a slight stammer.
Current Location


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