Dr. Mordecai Lemming Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Dr. Mordecai Lemming

Self-styled expert on folklore and mythology, occasionally consulted by the New York Police Department.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small, balding, and pale, his clothes are typical of an absent-minded academic, covered in ink and dust with grubby cuffs and various odd-looking stains.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: mentioned by both Lt. Poole and Rebecca Shosenburg in connection with the death of Jackson Elias (The New York Police and The New York Times, pages 125 and 145 respectively).
  The last scion of a wealthy family of New York Jews, Dr. Lemming has been living off his family’s steadily dwindling fortune for most of his adult life. He has no formal qualifications, despite his self-styled title, and thinks of himself as a gentleman scholar in the old style—a well-read man of letters who specializes in cataloguing the bizarre and fascinating topic of folk beliefs from across the world without having ever set foot outside New York.   Roleplaying hooks: Dr. Lemming was aware of Elias’ work although he never met him and found his books somewhat macabre and sensationalist. He can identify that the symbol carved into Elias’ head belongs to that of an alleged African death cult, but he poo-poos the notion that such a cult could be operating in modern times. He can, however, unwittingly point the investigators towards Ju-Ju House and Silas N’Kwane (Horror at Ju-Ju House, page 154). He is completely oblivious to any links between the shop and the spate of murders, and is blissfully unaware of the Mythos.



Garrulous and often fascinating to listen to, it is clear that he loves his subject, even if he is somewhat squeamish about its darker aspects and woefully naïve about some of his contacts in New York.
Current Location


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