Erica Carlyle Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Erica Carlyle

Sole heir to the Carlyle millions since Roger Carlyle was declared dead. She may be willing to reopen the investigation in order to learn the truth about her brother’s death.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A natural beauty, she uses her looks to intimidate rather than beguile. Her skin is clear and pale, accentuated by carefully applied makeup. Her clothes are always fashionable, favoring European designers. She wears her blonde hair in stylishly short cropped curls.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: Jackson Elias’ radiogram mentioning the Carlyle Expedition (Carlyle Papers: The Expedition #1, Campaign Beginning Handouts).
  • Link: sister of Roger Carlyle, leader of the ill-fated expedition (Carlyle Papers: The Expedition #9–11, Campaign Beginning Handouts).
Erica Carlyle is the sole heir to the Carlyle fortune since the Kenyan courts declared her brother Roger dead and the New York state courts concurred. She now manages the family interests in transportation, munitions, and international trade, proving far more competent than her wastrel brother.   A single woman, Miss Carlyle is often the subject of speculation in society pages. In practice, she is largely uninterested in romantic attachments as they prove a distraction from her work. Despite this, she attends a near constant stream of galas, dinners, and cocktail parties in order to maintain her business contacts. Whether out on business or attending a social function, Miss Carlyle is usually accompanied by her bodyguard, Joe Corey. She is quick to call upon his talents of dissuasion to deal with people who irritate her.   Roleplaying hooks: if persuaded to do so, Miss Carlyle may provide the investigators with background information about her brother and some basic details about the rest of the expedition members. More usefully, she may provide the investigators with access to the books that Roger read, including a number of Mythos tomes (The Carlyle Mansion Library, page 134).



As a busy woman, Carlyle is short-tempered with people she sees as wasting her time. She is especially ill-disposed to people who harass her with what she sees as pointless or rude questions about her late brother.
Current Location


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