Ewa Seaward Cowles Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Ewa Seaward Cowles

Anthony Cowles’ intelligent and beautiful daughter.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A pretty, graceful young woman, she wears her red hair a little longer than current trends dictate. She favors the lighter, shorter dresses currently in fashion. Ewa’s accent is still notably Australian, although her time in the U.S. has Americanized it slightly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: Ewa is often found in the company of her father, Prof. Cowles.
Prof. Cowles’ daughter, Ewa, lives with her father in Arkham. She is a student at the university and sometimes helps her father with his work. While she is developing a growing sense of independence, Ewa views herself as her father’s protector since her mother’s death.   Ewa has decided to move out of her father’s home when she reaches 21, accepting any out-of-town teaching job she can find. Alternatively, if a replacement investigator is required, she could be persuaded to join the party.   Roleplaying hooks: if Ewa thinks that the investigators are abusing her father’s gregarious nature, she will politely remind them that he is a busy man and cannot waste too much time on such nonsense.



Constant attention from her father’s students and the other young men to be found around the university have made Ewa somewhat guarded when talking to strange men. While she appears diffident towards her father at first, it soon becomes apparent to anyone paying attention how protective Ewa is of his well-being.
Current Location


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