George Brunton Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

George Brunton

Subwarden of the Death House at Sing Sing prison, where Hilton Adams is awaiting execution.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and stocky, he is still surprisingly fast on his feet. His salt-and-pepper hair is clipped very short at the sides, and his three-piece suit is modest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: officiates any visits the investigators make to see Hilton Adams (A Visit to Old Sparky’s House, page 150). 
Brunton, like Sing Sing’s current warden Lewis E. Lawes, has worked in the prison service for a long time and worked his way up from a lowly prison guard to subwarden in charge of the Death House on a day-to-day basis. Although not a big man, his mixture of respectful treatment of the prisoners and proven ability to break heads keeps his area of the prison running relatively smoothly, all things considered.   Roleplaying hooks: the subwarden is a potential ally to the investigators. He isn’t convinced of Hilton Adams’ guilt and will give the investigators more leeway than he probably should during any interviews with the prisoner (for example, leaving them on their own once he’s convinced they aren’t about to attempt a jailbreak). However, if the investigators fail to exonerate Adams, Brunton has no qualms about carrying out his appointed role in the execution; that is his job, after all, and he must abide by the ruling even if he doesn’t agree with it.



Friendly and jovial in spite of his work, he is a shrewd judge of character and a stickler for protocol, unless his gut says otherwise.
Current Location


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