Hypatia Masters Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Hypatia Masters

Member of the Carlyle Expedition, ostensibly to make its photographic record.   Background Info Dug Up:
  • No police record or record of public service.
  • Masters is heiress to the Masters armaments fortune, the dark antecedents of which have been chronicled in the muckraking Masters of Corruption by Nikolai Steinburg.
  • Miss Masters’ grandfather, Aldington Masters, held onto and increased the holdings by leaving most decisions to a series of chief executives, who uniformly made intelligent, far-ranging, and proftable moves. George, her father, also adopted this relaxing way of life, spending his free time doting on his daughter.
  • Hypatia attended Swiss and French academies, showing facility for languages. Her great interest, however, proved to be photography. Several of her shows earned good reviews and enthusiastic attendance.
  • A daring streak in her led to an incautious affair with a Catholic Marxist, one Raoul Luis María Piñera, at City College of New York. (With a successful Luck roll, a close friend, Olivia de Bernardesta, confides that Hypatia was pregnant by Raoul, had the baby aborted, and fled the country with Carlyle rather than face her lover.)
  • Miss Masters dated Roger Carlyle several times, but there was never anything serious in the relationship, and the two remained friends. Her presence on the expedition might have been Carlyle’s gallant whim. No one actually knows why she was invited or why she accepted.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(Kenya) Member of the Carlyle Expedition, ostensibly to make its photographic record. During the campaign she is the doomed living incubator for the spawn of Nyarlathotep.


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