Jack "Brass" Brady Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Jack "Brass" Brady

Bodyguard for Roger Carlyle.   Background Info Dug Up:  
  • Brady’s police record lists assaults and barroom brawls, petty theft, loitering, gambling, mopery, public drunkenness, and an acquitted murder charge.
  • As a Marine sergeant, Brady served in China, with extended periods in Shanghai, and later on the Western Front in France, earning a Bronze Star and other commendations.
  • He is rumored to have been a mercenary in Turkey just after the war, and to know Turkish and Arabic, as well as several Chinese dialects.
  • During a fight, in Oilfield, California, he apparently throttled his opponent to death before onlookers could pull him off, suggesting great strength or perhaps excellent technique (as well as a violent streak).
  • The Oilfeld murder piqued the curiosity of Roger Carlyle, who just then w as being expelled from USC. After an hourlong interview, the two forged an intimate alliance, amazing everyone who knew Carlyle, for the youth had never made any strong friendships. Carlyle summoned the best legal minds in the country for the defense, who proceeded to blow to pieces the seemingly open-and-shut case offered by the county prosecutor and eclipsing the testimony of seven eye-witnesses. Brady was acquitted on a variety of technical grounds.
  • From that time, Jack Brady and Roger Carlyle were rarely separated—at times Brady worked as Carlyle’s bodyguard, and at other times was his spokesman. For the expedition, Brady acted as general foreman and manager, and by all accounts performed well.
  • Brady’s nickname comes from a brass plate about 4 inches (10 cm) square, which he carries over his heart. The plate is described as being covered with strange signs and inscriptions. Bullets have dented it twice. Brady has said that his mother, a recluse in Upper Michigan, had The Eye, and that she made this plate to guard her impetuous son.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(China) bodyguard for Roger Carlyle. Always faithful to Carlyle since being saved by him from conviction for murder. Now hiding in Shanghai.


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