Jonah Kensington Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Jonah Kensington

Owner and chief editor for Prospero House, a small publishing firm that has released Jackson Elias’ books.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A short, squat white man whose balding pate is framed by uncontrollable curls of graying red hair. He wears pince-nez glasses, the discomfort of which causes him to fiddle with them constantly. Kensington’s suits are tailored to flatter his bulbous frame, and his clothes are always immaculate. He applies aftershave liberally, and while the scent is pleasant at first, it quickly becomes cloying in enclosed spaces.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: the owner of Prospero House, the publisher of all of Jackson Elias’ books, as well as Elias’ good friend (Carlyle Papers: The Expedition #2 or 3, Campaign Beginning Handouts).
  • Link: item of correspondence sent to Jackson Elias via his publisher (Carlyle Papers America #6).
  Kensington owns and is chief editor for Prospero House, a publisher of books with occult or fantastic themes, fiction and nonfiction alike. The offices are located on Lexington Avenue near 35th Street.   Like the rest of Jackson Elias’ friends, Kensington is still in shock over Elias’ death. While he knew the risks that Elias took in researching his books, Kensington had grown used to his friend’s tales of narrow escapes and death-defying bravery. Kensington tells the investigators that he keeps expecting Elias to walk through the door, laughing about how close he’d come to catastrophe this time.   Roleplaying hooks: Kensington provides the investigators with details about Elias’ recent movements and research. If the investigators mention that they plan to go to London, he offers contact details for Mickey Mahoney, editor of The Scoop, and Inspector James Barrington of Scotland Yard. He also shares information about Elias’ funeral, if this has not yet occurred (The Funeral, page 127), and the upcoming will reading at Carlton Ramsey’s office in Harlem (The Reading of the Will, page 127).



Used to being the center of attention, Kensington is quick to talk over other people, especially when he considers what they are saying to be dull or fatuous. When speaking, he punctuates his sentences with jabs of his finger.
Current Location


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