Leviticus Harrison Mann Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Leviticus Harrison Mann

Leviticus Harrison Man

Leviticus Mann is a Libertine Philosopher and the dilletante eldest son of William Mann, the second son of the main branch of the Mann Family, and Eliza-Beth Harrison, one of business mogul and multi-billionaire Henry T. Harrison's many bastards.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Leviticus is a scion of the prestigious and blue-blooded Mann family. Among the first settlers of the area that became Arkham Massachusetts, the Manns have had a long and respected history in the area. Though they have other centuries old investments, they are most famous as having a long tradition as famous doctors. A member of the Mann family founded Miskatonic University's Mann School of Medicine, one of the highest rated medical schools in the United States, as well as the world renowned, highly profitable, and still family owned, Mann Clinic. Since then, a Mann has been a member of the Miskatonic Board of Trustees and Chair of the Mann School of Medicine at least once every generation. His mother however is the bastard daughter of American Billionaire Henry T. Harrison, founder of the Flaming Heifer's Brothel Chain as well as countless other businesses, and his favorite mistress Pearl, a former prostitute who became his secretary. Her parents' sinful sources of income caused Eliza-Beth to become rather religious, hence Leviticus's name. Leviticus roiled against his mother's religious strictures which she imposed upon him and his sister Claudette, which their father rarely tempered being away on business often. When his father dies 4 years ago and Leviticus inherited most of his fortune, he purchased his own lavish home on the outskirts of Arkham in order to avoid his mother.

Gender Identity





Ph.D. Miskatonic University.


Lives off of investments and their returns, many of which are managed by his Grandfather Henry.

Morality & Philosophy

Libertine, though he is only attracted by consent and adults.

Personality Characteristics


Researching his personal philosophy and learning more about humankind, particularly their minds.


Date of Birth
March 20th 1900
Arkham, Massachusetts
Current Residence
Arkham, Massachusetts
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 10 in
120 lb.
Known Languages
English. French. Latin. Is particularly interested in French Literature, the Marquis de Sade being his favorite author. He is currently seeking a French copy of the play The King in Yellow, as he is fascinated by its reputation and curious what the root of it is. Though he has located English copies, he refuses to read a French Play in a language besides the original French.

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