Lt. Martin Poole Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Lt. Martin Poole

NYPD investigator of Jackson Elias’ murder.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A heavy-set man, the muscle of his youth beginning to turn to fat. Poole has a dark complexion and brown hair, which he wears slicked back. His suits are neat and well kept, but fit him poorly due to recent weight gain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: detective in charge of investigating Elias’ murder (The New York Police, page 125).
  As a long-serving homicide detective working out of Precinct 7a in Chelsea, Lt. Poole has seen the worst New York has to offer. Even so, the murder of Jackson Elias has shaken him; partly because of its brutality and partly because of its similarity to a series of murders he believed had already been solved (An Innocent Man, page 145). Poole could be a suitable replacement should any of the investigators die in the course of this chapter.   Roleplaying hooks: depending on how the investigators act when discovering Jackson Elias’ body, Poole sees them either as useful witnesses or suspects. Tis may be further complicated if the investigators kill any of the cultists in a public and blatant manner. Either way, he has many questions for them and will keep reappearing to ask more, or clarify their answers, for as long as the investigators are in New York. Poole can tell investigators (who earn his trust) of the similarities between Elias’ murder and those for which Hilton Adams was arrested (An Innocent Man, page 145).



Years on the force have made him cynical. He sees the worst in everyone, although he is still assiduous in his investigations and pursuit of the truth.
Current Location


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