Professor Anthony Dimsdale Cowles Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Professor Anthony Dimsdale Cowles

From the University of Sydney, currently a Fellow at Miskatonic University in Arkham.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A heavy-set, ruddy-faced white man with a bushy red beard. Prof. Cowles uses large, expansive gestures in conversation. He has a broad Australian accent, a booming voice, and an equally booming laugh.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: a handbill for his lecture, “The Cult of Darkness in Polynesia & the Southwest Pacific” (Carlyle Papers America #7).
An Australian, currently lecturing at Miskatonic University, Prof. Cowles temporarily resides in Arkham, Massachusetts. Since the death of his wife, Cowles has watched over his daughter, Ewa, with some intensity, something she understands but feels hampered by. Each loves the other, even if they frequently rub each other up the wrong way, and would seek vengeance if the other came to harm.   Cowles collects tales about strange doings, a hobby that more than once has gotten him into trouble with university officials, who see him as keeping bad company. Cowles believes sorcery exists and has an open mind about things like monsters and underground cities, though he always wants proof. A voluble man, one or two questions can keep him lecturing for an hour.   Roleplaying hooks: mentions the MacWhirr diary and David Dodge (Meeting David Dodge, page 461, Australia). As he is learned in the Mythos, Prof. Cowles can provide the investigators with information few other friendly NPCs would know.   He has seen amazing photos of ancient ruins in the west of Australia, which were taken by Arthur MacWhirr.



Friendly and cheerful, always quick to expand on references made by the investigators and offer them any helpful tips he can, whether about anthropology, surviving the Australian Outback, or altogether more esoteric matters.
Current Location


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