Rebecca Shosenburg Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Rebecca Shosenburg

Junior crime reporter for the New York Times looking into a possible miscarriage of justice involving Hilton Adams.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A small, dark-complexioned woman with wavy black hair. As a first impression, she may appear humorless and overly intense, but this is largely her professional demeanor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: article about Elias’ murder in the New York Times with her byline (Carlyle Papers America #9).
  • Link: present at Jackson Elias’ funeral (The Funeral, page 127).
A junior crime reporter with the New York Times, Shosenburg covered a string of murders in Harlem last year that bear marked similarities to the death of Jackson Elias. While Shosenburg’s editor has not authorized her to continue reporting on the case, she still keeps an active interest and hopes to help exonerate Hilton Adams before his execution. Shosenburg may prove a suitable replacement investigator if one is required.   Roleplaying hooks: besides being able to arrange access to the New York Times archives, Shosenburg can put the investigators in touch with Millie Adams, help arrange visits to Hilton Adams in prison, and share her suspicions about Captain Robson (The New York Times, page 145). She knows nothing about the Bloody Tongue, but she has heard Millie Adams mention that something strange may be going on at Ju-Ju House.



Persistent and does not leave questions unanswered. She usually stops just short of rudeness, but becomes noticeably exasperated when she believes people are not being honest with her.
Current Location


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