Solomon Carlisle Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Solomon Carlisle

Solomon Carlisle (a.k.a. Old Wenge)

Solomon Carlisle is an adventurer and big game hunter known for his expeditions through the rainforests of central Africa. He was said to have retired after an ill fated expedition seven years ago cost him the life of his pupil and left him severely scarred.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Solomon Carlisle is tall and broad shouldered. Through constant activity he has been able to preserve much of the muscle from his youth.

Facial Features

The skin of Solomon's face is sunbaked and tanned like old leather, full of wrinkles and creases. He has a long crooked nose and dark eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Solomon has a large puckered scar across his right cheek, and a smaller one mirroring it on his left. The right scar tugs at his eye and the corner of his mouth.

Apparel & Accessories

While in the field, Solomon wears his trademark waxed coat and crocodile boots.

Mental characteristics


When he was nineteen years old, Solomon enrolled in Oxford University. After attending the College for just under three months, he sold all of his belongings and left for Africa.


Although his life up until this point has been spent adventuring, Solomon currently supports himself by selling his maps of the Congo as well as publishing slightly fictionalized accounts of his adventures to English books and newspapers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Solomon Carlisle has led twenty-seven successful expeditions through the Congo. He has marked out most of the Congo river and has occasionally gone on missions for the Dutch, Portuguese, and Belgian governments. He has turned in dozens of contracts for dangerous animals including a man eating chimpanzee and the largest crocodile on record. He was also the first European to lay eyes on an Okapi.

Failures & Embarrassments

In his career in the Congo Solomon has lost four expeditions, most of them to indigenous raids. He has a reputation among those living in the area for losing the ones close to him, with some local shamans claiming that he has been cursed.

Mental Trauma

Solomon is haunted by many deaths in his career. Foremost in his mind are his wife who died of Malaria, and his pupil who died in the same Congolese raid that scarred his face.

Intellectual Characteristics

Solomon has much practical knowledge, especially pertaining to tracking and survival. He however lacks in book knowledge and in higher schooling, tending to look down on those with fancy degrees.

Morality & Philosophy

Solomon Carlisle believes that the world should behave as the animal kingdom, where the strongest are the most deserving. He thinks each man should achieve his goals and accomplishments alone through great trial and skill.

Personality Characteristics


Solomon is motivated to do more and discover more so that his memory will endure after he passes on.

Vices & Personality flaws

After his injury seven years ago, Solomon has taken been on a steady diet of Whiskey, Rum, and Opium. He has developed a dependency on these substances.


Contacts & Relations

Solomon has many contacts among the adventurers and explorers that have made expeditions through Africa, as well as many native tribes throughout the central continent. He also has a positive relationship with the Portuguese, the Dutch, and especially the Belgians.

Family Ties

Solomon's last remaining family tie is to his estranged daughter Minerva Hawthorne, currently married and living in London.

Religious Views

Solomon is a militant atheist. He lost his belief in God when he lost his wife. In his mind, there is no way god can be good if he allows evil to thrive in the world. Solomon believes that the only two creatures on the world are men and beasts, and what people call the supernatural is either something fabricated or something yet to be discovered.

Social Aptitude

Solomon Carlisle is notorious for his social ineptitude. He often makes borderline insulting remarks throughout his conversations, and is considered abrasive and grumpy by most that he speaks with.


Solomon constantly grumbles to himself under his breath.

Wealth & Financial state

Once he was considered wealthy due to his trade in ivory and other expensive hunting trophies. Now he makes a modest living as an author and mapmaker.

Solomon Carlisle, Big Game Hunter (62/Male) Born in Durham, England. Resides in Boma, Belgian Congo

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
May 13, 1861
Durham, England
Current Residence
Boma, Belgian Congo
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft
190 lb.


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