The Brass Head

German, circa 13th century, artisan unknown. Similar to the “Philosopher’s Head.”


This item is purported to have been constructed by a black magician in imitation of Roger Bacon, and is said to have had the ability to answer questions dealing with metaphysics and deep philosophy. An unknown ceremony evoked it.


Keeper’s Information: This is a Mythos artifact, and a powerful one, which the ghouls will steal. The brazen head is made of riveted brass shaped into the form of a human head, with hinged eyelids and jaws which will prove immobile to prying investigators.   The brazen head itself does not appear to be much, but if at least a quart of blood is burned over it, and the correct ceremony is performed, the brass eyelids open, revealing living eyes within the head. Anyone who sees this must make a Sanity roll — failure causes the loss of 1D6 SAN points. A successful roll means no points are lost (“Burning blood” is best created by mixing blood with some flammable substance before igniting it and pouring it over the head.) The brazen head will then answer one question dealing with the Mythos with an accuracy of 75%. If an investigator seeks increase of his Cthulhu Mythos knowledge by conversing with the head, he can add one point to his skill (losing 1D3 points of SAN in the process) each time he activates the brazen head specifically for that purpose. Such activations may be performed numerous times. If the brazen head is asked to teach spells, it will reply that it knows but one, which summons a potent being from the void, capable of teaching much. A person learning this spell can attempt to make a Cthulhu Mythos roll. If it succeeds, he will realize that there is something vaguely wrong with the spell. Though it doesn’t sound right, the head will insist it is correct. After finishing a conversation or answering a question, the head will close its eyes and will not speak further without a new sacrifice and ceremony.   Imprisoned within the head is a Servitor of the Outer Gods, the source of the brazen head’s power. A human sorcerer imprisoned it, and it can only be released via the spell it teaches. This spell will release the Servitor of the Head and crack open the brazen head. The being will travel from the broken head to wherever the caster of the spell is. Once the Servitor has arrived, it will attempt to kill the caster and all with him. It will go on to hide in the neighborhood, sneaking out to slay, and will only stop when it has killed a total of 600 people — roughly one for every year of its imprisonment. The caster of the spell and his friends will be safe only if the creature can be bound or dismissed.  
The Servitor of the Head, Horror from the Court of Azathoth
Str 70
Con 75
Siz 65
Dex 80
Int 50
App -
Pow 75
Edu -
San -
Hp 15
Db -
Build -
Move 7
Mp 15
Luck -
Weapon: Tentacles 45%, 2D6 damage

Notes: Each round, the creature can attack with 2D3 tentacles. It can summon a Byakhee, a Fire Vampire, and a Hunting Horror, taking 1D3+1 rounds each. It costs the servitor one magic point to summon a being, and an additional point each 5 rounds the being remains behind. While imprisoned in the head it cannot summon these creatures, and will summon them only if endangered.
Armor: Normal weapons do no damage at all to this creature, and magical weapons (such as Paracelsus’ sword) do only minimum possible damage. It regenerates 3 hit points per round until dead.
Sanity Loss: 0/1D10 to view this creature in the open.
Item type
16 lbs.


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