The Friends of Hilton Adams

    • Link: all four men served in the 369th Infantry Regiment; the “Harlem Hellfghters,” a nickname given to them by the German troops they fought on the Western Front due to their tenacity and toughness (The Good Friends of Hilton Adams?, page 149).

  All of Hilton Adams’ friends would make good replacement investigators, if required. Indeed, under Hilton Adams’ guidance, they once formed their own investigator party, although those days appear to have passed. Although largely ignored by the U.S. Government, as former Hellfghters, they all hold the Croix de Guerre, gratefully awarded to the entire regiment by the French for services rendered to the defense of their country during the Great War.
  None of the men served directly together during their time in the Hellfighters, although Hilton Adams did know of Art Mills, as he’d occasionally worked with Millie prior to their enlistment. The men’s friendship was formed only after they returned home, based on their mutual experiences on the battlefields of France.
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