Willa Sligh Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Willa Sligh

Carlton Ramsey’s niece and secretary.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and athletic, Willa is developing into a smart, confident young professional, even if she does hanker after more fashionable clothing than the tailored skirt and jacket her uncle insists she wear to the office.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ramsey’s niece and protégé, Willa is keen to learn all she can from her eccentric uncle and one day dreams of opening her own legal firm. Willa is very upset by the death of her “Uncle Jackson,” who always used to bring her presents back from his travels, but is sufficiently professional to put a brave face on it.   Roleplaying hooks: most likely the first point of contact with Ramsey once the investigators accept Elias’ challenge.



Neat, tidy, and resourceful, she has a sensible head on her shoulders for one her age although, like her uncle, she can talk the hind legs off a donkey if given half the chance.
Current Location


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