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House Amahna

After suffering devastating losses at the hands of Cara Fahd in 440 TH, the kings and queens of Landis never returned to their prime. Instead the realm declined and fractured into smaller realms, which were ruled by some of the remaining noble families with varying degrees of success. Among other Names such as Holdis, Delour, Corrius and Brevail, one of these families was the illustrious House Amahna.   Amahna wished to unify the scattered humans of Landis, but was continuously foiled in their efforts by constant raids from scorchers and Crystal Raiders, the machinations of the Theran Empire, the depredations of the Horrors and petty squabbles among the other families. As the years passed and the Scourge grew nearer, little remained of the glorious Landis of old, and House Amahna struggled to survive as well.   When the Scourge came, most of Landis sought refuge in the citadels of Vana, Kelensk and Tisoara, all of which were breached and their residents killed. House Amahna wisely sheltered in a smaller kaer in the western mountains and managed to emerge relatively unscathed in 1419 TH. They settled along with other pioneers in the lush farmlands south of the Greenhart River and quickly assumed leadership and took responsibility for the emerging villages under their care. Despite facing difficult circumstances in a new world, Amahna did relatively well and started to establish society, trade and relations with their neighbors.   All of this came to an abrupt end on a quiet spring night during the month of Rua, 1499 TH. Under the cover of darkness, unknown assailants struck in overwhelming force. The attackers torched the village and put both noble and peasant to the sword without mercy. Both Arran and Lisa Amahna, the current rulers of the house, lost their lives on that night. Ordrik, the master-at-arms responsible for training the sons and soldiers of the house acted quickly and selflessly and managed to rescue the three sons of Amahna from the resulting massacre. If others survived, only they know.   Where they went from there is their own story. Eighteen years have now passed, and in the summer of 1517 TH, destiny will bring them together once more.
Current ruler:
Alasar Amahna

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