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House Delour

The only Landisian noble family to have weathered the Scourge in a citadel and survive, House Delour is as old as the land they live on. The family is able to trace their origins all the way back to the founding of the house in 113 TH, and their eponymous home, Delourious Keep, is heavily decorated with moth-eaten tapestries in once brilliant colors that illustrate their noble history and heroes.   House Delour has a very strong and apparent Klek heritage and has been meticulous in grooming and maintaining their bloodline over the course of centuries. All Delourians are exceptionally tall, blonde and with a predisposition for being quite handsome and charming.   The family still resides in the family citadel of Delourious Keep. It sits atop limestone bluffs above the Greenhart river on the northern edge of the jungles of Landis, protected by high walls of dressed stone on all sides. In the middle lies the keep, rising to four stories at its highest point and topped with a covered watchtower armed with a couple of ancient fire cannons. The citadel does show clear signs of old age though, and several parts seem to have fallen into disrepair, including a disused airship port and a tower that seems to have collapsed in a fire. Nevertheless, there are clear signs of wealth, and the whole place reeks of old money. Even the farmers from surrounding lands wear clothes of fine cut and cloth. It is hard to know if House Delour has fallen on hard times, or simply can’t be bothered to keep up with what they have.   The Delourians seem content with their position for now and have taken a stance of neutrality. They trade with both Cara Fahd and what is left of the Therans. There are active farms and cleared forest surrounding the keep that produce an abundance of crops, and locals have been skilled fishermen for ages. Additionally, House Delour has a long tradition of being skilled bone-carvers, and local craftsmen fashion beautiful items of bone for both decoration and function.   The house is currently ruled by Baron Tillio Delour, who is rightfully called the most handsome man in Landis.
Current ruler:
Baron Tillio Delour

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