
"Things are bad now, and they are only going to get worse. It’s sad to abandon our dreams for independence, but better to love in safety than dream in filth.” –CHARBOYYA
  A prosperous dwarf nearing his fiftieth year, Charboyya lives in Bartertown, where he runs a thriving business as a silk merchant. He grew up a poor farm boy in the village of Hanto, an isolated hamlet in the wild Barsaivian savanna. He is currently the leading voice for annexation by Throal. Those who live in Bartertown know that Charboyya is indeed a very prosperous merchant. He is known to pay more than fair wages with twice the number of days off per year. He also lets workers off to attend Olzims.   Recently, after what he considers a savage and horrifying attempt by his political rivals, has stepped up his rhetoric about Bartertown becoming a part of Throal. He is already a wealthy merchant, however it seems that he is spending considerable silver to sway thinking to his side.

Articles under Charboyya