
The City of Thieves fell to Horrors during the Scourge. The Theran rulers of the city planned to spend the Scourge in either Parlainth or Great Thera, and did little to prepare the city for the Horror’s onslaught. A hastily constructed dome of enchanted earth provided shelter to those left behind, but when the first envoys traveled to Kratas after the Scourge, they found the dome broken and the city abandoned. The ruins became a haven for bandits, rogues, and treasure hunters. Kratas is the home of Garlthik One-Eye, a legendary Thief and seemingly immortal ork. Garlthik has been an on-again, off-again ally of Throal, but contributed some assistance to the war effort, as he is well-known to have no love for the Therans. His long career has resulted in a large number of allies and contacts, and he probably has one of the most extensive intelligence networks in Barsaive. Garlthik’s chief rival in Kratas is Vistrosh, an exiled blood elf that leads his own band of thieves, miscreants, and ne’er-do-wells.