
Jessica Miles (a.k.a. Carbine)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Jessica Miles possesses incredible tactical prowess, proficiency with a vast array of weaponry, perfect aim, hand-to-hand expertise at the limit of human ability,and any number of other skills learned through years as an A.E.G.I.S. agent

Apparel & Accessories

Jessica hides her identity well when not in action, taking on costumes and new clothing. When on a mission, she usually adopts a dark black and gray uniform (though she will vary the colors to blend in with the environment) alongside black makeup in the shape of dominos around her eyes. The uniform is similar to A.E.G.I.S. tactical wear, including reinforced kinetic-kevlar plating.

Specialized Equipment

She typically carries numerous weapons and tools, many of them hidden in pocket-dimension pouches on her person. She has accumulated a miscellany of tactical and super-science devices over the years, so her exact armament at any given time varies wildly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jessica Miles entered the military at a young age and excelled as a special forces soldier. She was recommended for promotion into A.E.G.I.S. After entering the agency she executed countless successful missions around the globe, many of which are classified. . Her work with advanced anti-superhuman task forces was exemplary.   However, her psych evals began to note a trend. Jessica had expressed a healthy ability to make friendships and partnerships within the agency. But as the list of friends who were KIA grew longer and longer, she began to resent the force she saw as the primary cause for her friends’ deaths—supers. Eventually the cost grew too great after she lost her squad to another battle. She went rogue and from that day on dedicated herself to eliminating dangerous metahumans from the world.   She's fought the third Rocket in the past and seems to hold a grudge to the fourth as a result, shown in their recent battle over Empath.

Jessica Miles, otherwise known as Carbine, is a vigilante supervillain from the Bronze age. Embittered by her time as an agent of AEGIS has turned her to a life of crime, taking down dangerous metahumans to level the playing field.

Character Location
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Current Status
Hunting Empath
Current Location
Current Residence
Dark brown, small and wrinkled
Ginger, short and slicked back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white and speckled with scars