Issue Six: Well Warrented


The party stumble out of the wreckage of the cargo carrier, trying to access the situation as the crowd around them watches and attempts to help. Charlie and Connie the secretary have been wounded badly, and Rocket's pack has broken. Rushing ahead, No_Clip delivers Charlie to the ambulance, and soon they all gather there. Rocket speaks with the authorities as No_Clip and First of May separate, the former quite upset by the nights events.   Roy summons Ron to the hospital's roof, where he begins to repair the rocket pack. He says that much of his initial doubt in Ron has been resolved with his recent actions, and he's now deserving of an upgrade. He explains that the pack is alien in origin, and able to respond to the emotions and will of its wearer, increasing it's potential. He trusts him now to carry forward, with some guidance, of course.   When Norma arrives home she finds Sophie upset, both by the news of Charlie's injuries and Norma's absence. She states that she really needs her right now, and that it's too dangerous to pursue the story. She begs Norma to let it go, but she refuses, causing Sophie to storm off, tears in her eyes. Norma spends all night working on her article, planning to give it to Charlie to make up for the work he won't be able to do.   As morning comes the team spends the day tending to their own business. Rocket visits Eli, comforting him and trying to make her situation more bearable, as the girl becomes increasingly anxious. First of May goes back to apartment hunting, which is sadly unsuccessful. And Norma visits Charlie in her civvies, where he tells her that she should take the promotion, as he likely won't be able to earn it now. She argues, but he insists, though ultimately she has given up on it.   Her visit as No_Clip goes quite different. The chat is a bit friendlier, with Charlie even opening up to her a bit, expressing his regret at being damseled and overall anger at the situation. He listens as she opens up about her feelings on Noxcorp, and being a hero. He hardens himself as he tells her she needs to get her act together, as her lack of training will only be more dangerous as time goes on. This upsets her, but she ultimately accepts the idea.   The news has broke about the events of the previous day, with Noxcorp and Mr. Amazing dodging responsibility. Though enough suspicion has been aroused that Rocket is able to secure a warrant, setting off to the retiree's penthouse with his team in tow. A tense conversation quickly turns into a fight, with the Wonder Works around them animating and attacking. They ultimately capture Mr. Amazing before he's able to escape, with Rocket securing some key coded papers, though Mr. Amazing insists that the team's interference will justify him. Rocket stays to speak with authorities as First of May and No_Clip depart, eager to meet with the Titanium Titian to seek training.
Report Date
18 Aug 2023

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