Freedom's First Flight

Era beginning/end


Flying Freedom is first spotted in the public eye, shocking and inspiring those around her for years to come as Halcyon's first superhero.

Police cars race through the streets in response to a detectives emergency call. The city had swirled with rumors of an odd woman, clad in strong women's gear. Reportedly she had carved a path through domestic abusers, gang men, and corrupt authority figures alike, though these could not be confirmed at the time.   But this detective reported a different story, a sight that would define the age. The first superhero raced through the streets, leaping dozens of feet into the air and keeping pace with the cars surrounding her. She chased a limo until she came close enough to grab it, lifting the vehicle above her head with ease and shaking out its inhabitants, catching a woman who was later reported to be taken into the limo against her will. She assured the woman that she was okay and threatened the man within the same breath, and the crowd around them sat stunned at this display of power and will.   The mysterious woman attempted escape and was chased by multiple police cruisers through the streets, plowing through multiple barricades with ease. Every jump became higher until, at the surprise of all those around her, she began to fly. She would become known as Flying Freedom, Halcyon's first superhero.

Related Location
Halcyon City
Related timelines & articles
History of Halcyon City