Adventurers of Masks! chronicle

  • 2022

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    Origin Story

    The team come together for the first time. More later.

  • 2022

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    Issue One
    Life, Milestone

    The team of No_Clip, Dr. Love, and the fourth Rocket join forces for the second time. They battle Soundwave, a new villain attempting a heist in one of the city's financial district. They defeat him and his crew handily, fleeing the scene before authorities arrived.

  • 2022

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    A Test of MeRIT
    Political event

    A crowd gathers outside of MeRIT's headquarters, intent on protesting the illegal holding of the criminal called Empath. The team of No_Clip, Rocket, and First of May assemble outside, hoping to set the record straight. Their honest and heartfelt statement to the crowd calms the controversy, and earns the heroes some goodwill in the eyes of the people.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report