
Emegum is a chewy substance which grows on the gumtrees of Everaldimor and the Skywoods of Revansgar. Emegum normally has no taste, but it is often flavored with other spices, sugar, and herbs because it holds flavor really well. True Emegum can maintain its flavor and chewiness for an entire day. Because it is sickly green in color, Emegum is also often dyed.   Emegum should not be eaten. It is only digestible by humans, though it will pass through the body in all other races (so long as it is consumed in small quantities). Sometimes, Emegum can be spiked with drugs, and chewing spiked Emegum is a popular means of drug consumption amongst people who prefer smaller, longer-term doses of effects. In its natural form, Emegum has no side effects aside from its inability to be eaten by most races.