

Siegeball is a fast-paced and violent full-contact sport. It's a relatively new game, originating in Nothgard, though most capital cities have an arena for it. Cities which have dedicated siegeball teams typically have variations on their rules which add safety measures. The game requires two teams, each consisting of five players, one of which is a goalkeeper. The goalkeeper gets a bat, while others are unarmed, and the goalkeeper can pass the bat to any other player to make them the goalkeeper instead - the bat cannot be dropped. Fighting on the field is permitted, but must be non-lethal, and magic is typically banned.   Siegeball requires an arena, the standard size of which is 155-by-65 feet, and which narrows in the center to 35 feet, an area called the "neutral zone." The ball begins in the center of the arena, and the goal is in each team's zone, typically represented by a 5-foot pillar known as the tower. Teams begin in their zones, and the goalkeeper is not allowed to leave this zone.   The ball itself is typically made of a special type of rubbery material, which is sometimes enchanted to stay 3-4 feet off of the ground and to glow at nighttime. If the ball hits the tower, it deals damage depending on its momentum; if it hits a player, they take an attack of opportunity against the ball, rebounding it in a direction they choose if they succeed. If they fail, the ball deals non-lethal damage to them according to its momentum, and prompts a Fortitude save to avoid being stunning (the DC dependent on the ball's momentum), and then bounces off in a random direction. If the ball passes an adjacent square, then the players may also make an attack of opportunity against it.   The team that destroys the opposing team's tower is the winner.