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The loxodon peoples are indigeneous to the Mountains of Copper, Spiderhaunt Mountains, and the Endless Wastes. Travelers through Faerûn have historically recorded interacting with small communities and note "their [loxodon] degree of craftsmanship seems in excess of small society; given their size, we can assume their clear wealth is a product of nothing good". For most of Faerûn's history, the relationship between the loxodon and other species of Faerûn were arguably tense, with most of the apprehension belonging to travelers and settlers.   Today, loxodon communities can be found in many of the cities that surround these historic territories as well as occupying some of their traditional lands. Within these cities and villages, loxodon typically band together. Loxodon still present in the Endless Wastes and the Spiderhaunt peaks are rarely seen and it is generally considered rude and disasteful to intrude on their lands. However, some travelers cannot resist the temptation of trying to find the Yaqubi peoples, who are famed to make the finest silk in all of Faerûn.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Ajj, Boja, Dancu, Dooja, Elyuja, Fanoor, Irij, Jasoo, Katrun, Lyooda, Mayja, Radu, Shuja, Soofya, Totoor, Verij, Vesmova, Yoolna, Zarij, Zoorja

Masculine names

Bayul, Berov, Brooj, Chedumov, Dobrun, Droozh, Golomov, Heruj, Ilromov, Kel, Nikoom, Ondros, Radomov, Svetel, Tamuj, Throom, Vasool

Family names

Each name of the Loxodon within a single community is unique and thus they do not take a last. They may occassionally include "from [location]" to signify where they have spent most of their lives. Lastly, those communities that have opted to take on dominant culture aspects of Faerûn will take on a common last name of the region or invent one that they believe fitting.

Other names

Many of the loxodon communities that live within the major cities and towns of Faerûn are no longer fluent in Yaqubian. However, they usually retain important words and names in their language. Yaqubian is overtones of sound, produced in a loxodon’s resonant nasal chambers. These are difficult for members of other race to hear and distinguish, and thus loxodons will regularly translate them into a Common-tongue name. As many names contain important ties to deeds the loxodon has done for their community, loxodons will sometimes translate these into titles such as Healer, Grand Mother, or Guardian.


Major language groups and dialects


Common Dress code

Loxodon typically wear their craftmanship. That is to say, they prefer to buy raw materials and create their own armor, clothing, and jewelry. As traditional culture often perscribed value to how much an individual had done for its community, wearing ones' craftmanship was a way of showing what a loxodon had to offer to others. In this sense, gifts of craftmanship are often regarded highly. It is considered rude to not do your best work when providing a gift to another, as that individual will likely wear it for the rest of their lives.

Art & Architecture

Loxodons were (and still are) considered to live in small communities in simple buildings. For those loxodons that live in cities, their homes do seem to fit this description. They are regularly exactly middle in size of the community, and while they are not necessarily simple, they never stand out. They are so utterly missable that it seems intentional.  


Gender Ideals

Traditionally, gender is fluid among the loxodon. In fact, there is no differentation beween "he" and "she" in Yaqubian. They translate this as "they" in common. Communities that are strongly established within dominant Faerûn society have replaced "they" with "he" and "she" and also adopted patriarchal concepts of gender dimorphism where males are more muscled and quicker to anger than females. Even in these communities, however, the attribution of "he" and "she" regularly has nothing to do with sex.

Known Locations

  Spiderhaunt Village (strong Elven influence)
Endless Wastes  

Rumored Locations

  Spiderhaunt Peaks

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