Fortune Studio
Fortune Studio is Cedric’s personal home, a shop for unique thieving/locksmithing tools, a private workshop, and a boarding house for the unscrupulous. Here, those who don’t “fit the mold” of society can learn how to use their personality and skills in a way that adds to the community. A two story dark stone building, with a small wooden balcony that hangs ten feet above the entrance. The interior first floor has a wooden floor and ceiling. Shelves with esoteric designs, oddly shaped mirrors, weaponblack, and other kinds of specialized thieving equipment span the floor. A door behind the counter leads to the office and basement. Curiously, there is no visible entrance to the second floor. Wrought with iron as a part of the glass window above the door is a symbol, one that used to mark the entrance to Cedric’s first hideout. It conveys the message: “Protected Safehouse”.Workshops
Fortune Studio contains a poisoner workshop and a tinkerer workshop. Cedric frequently works on projects that he doesn’t trust most individuals with, so permittance to use the workshops is only available at request.