“I wish I knew what was going on.”
“Then you will see it all.”
Mirthal Ballee was seen as the head scholar in all the lands of Idriell at the height of the ancient Oshran Empire. Ballee saw to it to collect and publish as much verifiable knowledge as possible, to greater benefit all of Oshra. As the Cults of Tharizdun and Shothotugg began to sneak through and entrap the Oshran Empire, Ballee sought his lifelong ally, Pikyr the Learned. Exasperated, he pleaded, wished to know what was sneaking through his nation. Pikyr, eager to sow discord for his own goals, was happy to grant Ballee the title of Grand Historian, and access to what was known as the Entropic Record, a record of all things that have occurred, and that would occur, in the land of Idriell; as it pertained to Shothotugg and it’s arrival. Ballee, now a devoted worshipper of ‘El-Ren’, used his position to spread misinformation about El-Ren, teaching the masses on how to bring about and to worship the Eater of Worlds.
Mirthal Ballee’s undead body was eventually slain, and the Umbral Court claimed his soul for the crime of Tainting Gods, influencing Ioun, Helm and Detona to serve the Abolethic Sovereignty.