Legend Lore: Samhlaigh, the Dreamer
Upon the sylvan highest peak
Stands a tower of ivory antique
Highest in the feywild's reach
Those who sleep, the Dreamer beseech The tower white and reaching high
Pierces into, and through the sky
To Dal Quor, the Dreamer goes
To weave the dreams and sleeper's prose Mighty is the Dreamer's mind
Their thoughts, they echo, oft unkind
When last the Dreamer met their dear
It spawned forth a child of fear Sombre now, the Dreamer lies
Watching the feywild with distant eyes
Weaving and blessing with dreams of wonder
About purple rivers and myths from yonder
Stands a tower of ivory antique
Highest in the feywild's reach
Those who sleep, the Dreamer beseech The tower white and reaching high
Pierces into, and through the sky
To Dal Quor, the Dreamer goes
To weave the dreams and sleeper's prose Mighty is the Dreamer's mind
Their thoughts, they echo, oft unkind
When last the Dreamer met their dear
It spawned forth a child of fear Sombre now, the Dreamer lies
Watching the feywild with distant eyes
Weaving and blessing with dreams of wonder
About purple rivers and myths from yonder