Eastern Farraway's Calendar System

There are 360 days in a year, 12 months in a year, 30 days in a month and 7 days in a week, with the seventh day traditionally being a rest day.
  The month names are as follows: Frostmoot, Deepsnow, Winterwane, Rainmoot, Palesun, Highsun, Firemoot, Firewane, Lowsun, Redfall, Snowmoot, Fellnight.
  The day names are Moonday, Towerday, Wineday, Thunderday, Fireday, Swordsday, Saintsday.
  The years are separated into two eras. The era of First Restoration (appreviated as PFC) and the era of Second Restoration (appreviated as PSC). Most history regarding the time before the first restoration is lost to time due to the limited written records at the time.


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