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Darkmoon Faire

The Darkmoon faire is an odd circus that shows up twice a year, on the surface it is the most happy and fun place on the planet. Through the portal an island kept in night permanently houses a giant circus. The Circus itself is just a cover The darkmoon faire is somewhat akin to an angler fish, the portal is the mouth and it dangles happiness in front of the people drawing them in filtering through and eating the souls of a few lost guests. Feeding the old god inside.
Outside all of the major cities in Kalimdor and The Eastern Kingdoms twice a year seemingly out of nowhere travelers from the Darkmoon faire appear putting up tents and a portal into the faire, The tents are all multicoloured a bright, a few groups of people are interacting with clowns and jugglers. In the center of this camp is a purple arch way with a distorted energy every time someone walks in a ripple effect distorts the wall of magic.
  On the other side of the portal, the party stands on top of a hill surrounded by trees, the sky is kept in permanent night, a pathway lit by lanterns, at the bottom of the hill a massive fair glows and the music can be heard from the top of the hill. Groups of young lovers, familys, soldiers and people from all walks of life are following the path down the hill into the circus.
  A voice pipes up “Hello my friends welcome to the Darkmoon Faire, my name is Chronos I am a hubble guide, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.” standing by the portal a well dressed male is bowing while holding a torch, as he stands up right he is revealed to be undead.
  Chronos: A male Undead yellow eyes, pale mummified skin, his hair is kept under a brown hat. (he will recognize Sasha).
Down the hill at the bottom of the island is a massive circus, music is blaring as people dressed in bright circus clothes are walking around with a massive smile on playing music, kids are running around with toys they’ve won from the different games, a large zoo with animals from all over the world, off in the harbour at the end of the circus are various games being played by the waterfront with food stalls and a Tuskarr walking around with a line a penguins following him handing out yoyos to guests.
  Ahead of You, Down the Path
A Majestic, Magical Faire!
Ignore the Darkened, Eerie Woods
Ignore the Eyes That Blink and Stare
Fun & Games & Wondrous Sights!
Music & Fireworks to Light Up the Night!
Do Not Stop! You're Nearly There!
Behold, My Friend: THE DARKMOON FAIRE!


  Shooting Game: A simple shooting game that shoots corks at tins, cost to play is 3 gold per 10 shots. Anyone with any shooting feats or skills gets advantage on their shot. The AC of the tin is 15.
1-4 hits: Nothing.
5-9: A simple large lollipop.
10: A replica cork gun.
  Strength Hammer: A ding is heard across the path as an Ork is cheering, holding a hammer next to a high striker, as he is handed a teddy Gryffin which he hands to a female Ork as they walk off hand in hand. 5 gold to play strength 21 to hit the bell.
  Duck Bobbing: A little river of plastic ducks circling around the stand, there are little marks on the bottom of the ducks that will give you a prize, 2 gold to play, a dex 17 is needed to catch a duck.
Rewards 1d4:
1-2: No mark on the duck.
3: A green mark gives a little dreidel.
4: A goldfish in a bag.
  Basketball: at a kiosk there is a man standing with several basketball hoops behind him about 14 foot back, 7 gold for 3 balls. Dex check of 24 to score.
1 Ball: A bag of Jelly beans.
2 Balls: A toy crossbow.
3 Balls: A potion that makes a person shrink to 1 foot tall for 1 minute 3 charges.
  Ball in a cup game: A male dwarf is sitting by a small table with 3 cups on it and a ball if you can guess where the ball goes then you win. 4 gold to play a perception check of 24 to win. Reward A bag of small dust which will turn someone purple for an hour (3 uses).
  Axe Throwing: a large target has been set up and people stand 15 foot back throwing axes. 10 gold to play for 3 axes, STR mod of the throw (if proficient may add bonus).
Edge of the board is worth 1 point AC 10.
Inner circle is worth 3 points AC 15.
Bullseye is worth 5 points AC 20.
0-6 points: Nothing
7-10: A purple cloak with the darkmoon faire logo and colours on.
11-14: A Wyvern plushie.
15: A pair of earrings, which when worn allow two people to speak to each other masked by an unknown language to anyone else listening in.
  The Big Top: Visitors are starting to make their way into the big top inside the circus, inside the music is loud as a horn section are playing people are finding their seat, the lights go down as the music starts to die followed by a drum role as a spotlight focuses on a female elf who is in the rafters, as she steps up the the edge of a little platform 50 foot up she takes a deep breath then launches herself off the edge onto a swing catching in and as the swing flies up she lets go and a male Drenai catches her, this is followed by a mighty roar as a lion runs out into the center of the stage followed my a man with a whip trying to control, it a clown runs through the crowd squirting water from a water gun into the people sitting in the stands, the whole tent lights up as magical effects fire off into the air the music bares and a massive eruption of energy follows. All of the performers step back, from backstage a Male gnome wearing a fine velvet suit with a leopard print hand followed by a larger than normal orge step out onto the stage in the center, the crowd cheers. “Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Darkmoon Faire! We’ve been away for months but we are glad to be back. We consider ourselves to be the home of happiness and no matter where you are from we hope you take a smile with you and spread love. We know times outside are hard and for some of us we can feel a little lost, just know you will always be welcome at the faire *looks at bromil*. We still have a week left of fun here at the faire so make sure you enjoy yourselves as much as possible and remember don’t leave the fairgrounds!” He walks backstage.

The Woods

  The party will have heard rumours that a young girl named Alice has gone missing and the mother is frantically looking for her, asking most of the people from the fair they will play it off saying “She’s probably on a ride or down by the docks” if the party ask someone who has an idea of what's going on they will suggest the woods “I didn’t tell you this but have a look in the woods”. The bright lights that cover this island from night fade as the party makes their way into the woods, the canopy covers sky making the woods darker than the rest of the island, a while they eventually see a glowing, in the center there is a little girl crying, surrounded by these spectral beings, ghosts. If the party try to attack they will back off “we protect” if the party ask they will say “that” guestering off into the woods, a pair of small red lights glow off in the distance, followed by a mechanical crack and snaps a silhouette of a humanoid shapes neck sharply tilts 90 degrees. As the mechanical scarecrow moves at a horrific speed crawling with extra limbs towards the party.
  After the fight is done the ghosts will say “Greenteeth’s shed” “Look for Rolan Wright”.
  Round the back of the circus there is a collection of caravans that the performers all stay in, a little community filled with people cleaning clothes or outside cooking the vibe is good, Sashas old caravan is still there, inside a picture of a young draenei and a young Elf standing in the big top, with massive grins on their faces, Sasha will recognize her as Michaela.
  Around the back of the food stand that Rona Greenteeth owns there is a shed where she prepares food, there is a small kitchen inside with tables against all of the walls the meats and vegetables are kept on opposite sides of the room and it’s fairly well kept. A small doorway leads down into a basement level, the room down stairs is fairly simple, it has a large wooden table covered in blood, a few strips of meat are currently smoking on hooks, it looks like a fairly normal butchery. An investigation of 17 will reveal a hill doorway, behind the door is the horrific site of dismembered bodys hanging out on hooks a little office filled with teddy bears, coats, pocket watches, it would seem this is a room filled with the personal items of some of the people dead in the next room, there is a organiser that lists what stands need extra prizes.
The party will find a book, the first page says property of Rolan Wright inside there is a detailed account of Rolan Wright.

Under the Main Stage

  As the party approaches the main tent a large crowd is exiting the tent, a young girl dancing out turning to her father saying “I want to be like the elf on the high wire she was so pretty!” as the party makes their way inside a small group of workers are cleaning up confetti and other mess from the show.
  Around the back the corridors lead past a large open room with colourful outfits, a few performers are taking off some makeup while a few fresher looking performers are warming up for their show in a few hours time. Deeper into the back down a small set of stairs there is a humble room, a small single bed is left unmade, with a large armchair which is slowly falling apart (Burth has been sitting here), different pictures from days gone by line the walls of performers some know to Sasha some not, Silas hasn’t aged a day in any of the pictures. A investigation role of 17 will find one of the draws has a false bottom to it, inside a switch which when flipped moves the bed to reveal a little gnomish sized doorway which would require larger members of the group to crawl on all fours, the door is locked (DC 14) and trapped, the first person through is sprayed by a mysterious gas (Con save 18 or poisoned).
  The path way is cramped and claustrophobic until eventually opening out into a larger open room the ceiling 40ft up the room is 30ftx30ft on the far side of the room is an archway leading down stairs, manic laughing can be faintly heard, dead center is a pitch black orb on a pillar (hitting the pillar with necrotic damage will turn off the reverse gravity enchantment on the room, as the first person in steps into the room they instantly are hit with the feeling of falling as they shoot upwards slamming into the ceiling. There are two ways out. take the fall damage and climb up the other side or hit the orb with a necrotic damage spell.
  The stair way down heads in a direct line on the ceiling hang these large leech creatures (Marrow Leeches), they will ambush the players (2d8 monsters) dropping down.
  At the bottom of the stairs there is no doorway a well lit room which has a lab feel to it, test tubes and different liquids in jars, the mantic laughing fills chamber as 3 humanoid creatures are sitting in the room one sitting at a chair full naked with loose skin hanging to a skinny body, so much you can see the skin hanging from the bone, this is the creature laughing, the head as no facial features other than a mouth it is strapped to a chair using metal binds as it maniacally laughs it continues to cut it’s wrists on the chair. One of these creatures not chained just sits in the corner of the room huddled up, repeating the same phrase “The anglerfish feasts, The anglerfish feasts, The anglerfish feasts”. The 3rd is similar to the others in appearance, however is curled up asleep it turns over one of its hands is deformed and is turned into a crab claw, unders its breath in Abyssal “Harross give me your gift”. If the party attempts to rest they are assaulted by horrific dreams of deep oceans and large black pyramids only gaining half of the expended hit die and spell slots recovered (long rest is impossible and only counts as a short rest). Either killing the creatures or leaving the room once the laughter stops the sound of a drum is incredibly faint coming from below.
  The stairs continue down the walls are covered in writing abyssal (Death and Life), Potion and Poison). A small room no more stairs lead down there is nothing but two 4ft high pillars on one there is a skull with an open mouth and on the other there is a beautiful pot of flowers. Pouring poison in the flowers kills them and lights up the pillar with a purple glow and pouring a potion in the skulls mouth does the same but the skull starts talking “So you are off to meet Harross? Best of luck” in that instant the floor gives way as the party falls down into a dark pit landing on something soft, it’s pitch black inside those that can see will see an oval room, the walls ceiling the floor are made out of the same substance, a red flesh like substance. The sound of the drum is now clearer than ever. There are two directions the party can go, above them the way they came in or down a small round tube, heading down the party slide until the slam into a small fleshy mound softening the fall immediately they are hit with a horrendous smell similar the vomit but way more extreme, several of these mounds dot the massive room, the ceiling is 200ft up, breaking up the small mounts is a dark green liquid stepping into the liquid the players will feel a burning sensation at the start of their turn they take 1d6 damage. After a few moments in the room the liquid starts to stir as a purple monstrosity arises out of the liquid, a purple beast with a circular mouth with rows of teeth, purple skin, a large crab like claw in one hand and the other is a sharp scythesk claw, two yellow eyes stare at the party.
  On the fair side there is a drop that heads down 300ft it’s pitch black, heading deep down the sound of the thumping gets heavier and heavier at the bottom a conversation can be heard down a small passageway. Kneeling down to a large heart like organ with several black eyes dotted all over it.
(In abyssal) “Not enough souls, why haven’t you fed me enough this time, why have you failed me?”.
  “We’ve had an eye on us for a while, my lord you strength is surpassed by no one, however with you being trapped in this prison if we can’t tempt people to come to the faire your food supply will dry up, I think it is best to have an practice of patience for a little while”.
  “Inacceptable!” it notices the party in the room, “It seems you have let some unwanted guests in”.
  Turning around Silas says “well this is a surprise… how dare you enter onto hallowed ground without invitation I will make short work of you”.
  When Silas is defeated his form shifts and snaps until he turns into a horrific multi headed multi armed monster.
  After the two are defeated a voice in the heads of all of the party “you have merely loosened my shackles…” 
  The party are assaulted by images of these large horrific tentacles wrapping around the planet as it slowly turns purple and void stained. As a ray of light wakes up one of the players as a massive crowd of people start waking up on the outside of Stormwind in the same place the party entered. Performers and guests alike come to consciousness, looking confused. The only thing that remains of the circus is an archway with a closed eye, the portal is gone.


    Silas Darkmoon: A small male Gnome, who wheres a black shirt and a purple waistcode. Wearing a leopard print felt hat, using a basic looking wooden walking cane.
  Burth: A large Yellow toned orge, holding a mallet in one hand, very quite.
  Maxima Blastenheimer: Female Gnome, green eyes, Red hair tied into 3 ponytails, red strapless carnival cloths, very cheerful and enthusiastic, a bit obsessed with explosives.
In charge of the Human cannonball.
  Christopher Lesson: Human Male, balding with black hair, brown eyes, dressed in a Darkmoon tabard, green sleeveless shirt and green trousers.
Cleans the animal cages, He considers himself an actor, he has a very high opinion of himself, however he loves his job and being part of the faire.
  Finlay Coolshot: Male Dwarf, bald head, short black beard with a braided moustache. He wears a Darkmoon tabard, a dull green leather shoulder pad over his left shoulder and padded leather pants. His eyes are covered by green glowing engineering goggles. Enthusiastic and motivated, but can also be snappy and gruff about things unrelated to his profession. If you’re not there to talk about playing with Tonks he has no interest in talking to you. He is respectful to military veterans and will give them a discount.
  Jeremy Feasel: Human Male, Wears a fancy dark suit and a large top hat, He acts like a stereotypical carnival presenter, speaking in an almost theatrical manner.
  Jessica Rogers: Female Human, Reddish brown hair and green eyes, she wears the standard Darkmoon uniform and tabard. She likes challenging visitors by lightly mocking them. She likes goading people into playing her game. On occasion she will complement visitors on how strong their arms are.
  Kerri Hicks: (Strongest women alive) Human female, Blond with brown eyes, wears an elaborate Darkmoon uniform with a tabard, massive build. She is incredibly boastful and proud of her strength, she mocks those that overestimate themselves and think they can match her strength. She can however be kind and grateful if you help her get stronger. She is incredibly loyal to Silas, as he saved her from execution after she accidentally killed someone. She sometimes makes unusual requests, she will ask visitors to bring grisly trophies as a proof of strength. She knows of forbidden troll rituals which can increase strength. Silas seems to dote on her.
  Korgol Crushskull: A Mag’har Orc almost completely enclosed in ornate spiky Armor, he wears a Darkmoon tabard over the Armor, An orc of few words, his only concern is with fighting. Everything else is a distraction, he likely will not care about anything else unrelated to fighting and proving your strength.
  Mola: Long purple hair and amber eyes, she wears the standard Darkmoon uniform with a tabard. Her arms and legs are covered with light leather Armor. She is very straightforward, she tends to talk in short and brisk sentences lacking in flowery language.
  Rona Greenteeth: A Undead female, she runs the food stand, is a very warm and welcoming person.





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