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Deadwind Pass

A grey a lonley feeling mountain pass.
  As the party moves down hill the walls around become jagged and tall made a slate the party is in the middle of a winding path as they follow the path more and more all the trees are long dead almost appearing petrified, the path starts to wind and thin a cold breeze that cuts through your clothes and chills you to the bone, the path continues to thin to the point where you could only comfortably fit one person at a time to your right is a long drop about 80ft into a shallow looking river, the lose stone ground makes terversing hard. After a few hours of following the path the only wildlife the party see’s is the occasional crow, the party finds a chance to go left or to go right.

Left Pass
  Down this path leads the party to a wider path away from the cliff edge, after an hour of walking the party ends up in a circular opening, Perception 16 spots two phase spiders, perception of 12 spots one creature scuttling above them, the party are attacked by two Phase Spiders.
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Right Pass
  After about 30 minutes of walking a spire opens up before the party and as they get closer they see a castle overlooking a ruined village, all of the houses are empty and run the Karazhan module for this.
Extra Enounters
As the party are walking they hear a snoring sound, sitting on a ledge they see an Ogre snoring asleep spooning his club, smoke can been seen coming from througher down the path there is a camp of Ogres.
  6 Ogres
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