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Dun Morogh

At a fairly high altitude surrounded by snow capped mountains sits the cold white area known as Dun Morogh, a snowy harsh land, that is home to the Dwarves of Ironforge & the Gnomes of Gnomeregan. The air is cold but there is no wind, and the sun is glaring down offering a much welcome warmth, which does a pretty decent job of keeping the cold from getting unbearable.


  Sitting a few miles off from the slopes that lead up to Ironforge, sits a small trading post Kharanos. A market is set up along the road with Dwarfs and Gnomes selling all kinds of goods. There is a large round building that has smoke coming out of a massive chimney, inside a large Blacksmiths with several Dwarfs working on different things from Guns, to swords.
  Thunderbrew Distillery - 1 gold per night   A large and loud Inn sits on the side of the road, there is a massive decorative Keg on the roof, and heading down the stairs into the Inn there are Dwarfs and Gnomes, drinking. A group of bards sit on a balcony looking over the Inn playing a jaunty tune.
  Belm: A red haired Male dwarf, middle aged with a single plait in his beard.
  Sitting down inside they are approached by a male Gnome with a large light brown curled mustache he introduces himself as Monty C. Railcraft, a gnome mage who is enlisting the help of adventures to clear out some of the many levels of Gnomeregan, The Gnomes have done a good job of clearing out a fair amount themselves but Level 36 is proving to be a difficult challenge, all they need is the central Keycard which will allow them to get the the main decontamination unit in via the central elevator, without the central elevator in use they won’t be able to get the machinery necessary in. He is offering the party 2000g to retrieve the Keycard.

New Tinkertown

  Heading sound of nature is replaced by the sounds of hammers hitting metal, cogs turning, the snow has the odd patch of grey or black where oil spilt. They spot ahead a massive archway that resembles a giant gold and silver cog (40f x 40ft) rotating giving off a loud mechanical sound. Heading through they still see the odd dwarven mountaineer, however they see a fair few patrols of Gnomish guards and their machino striders. As the trees give way they are greeted by a massive white expanse, off to the right they see a gigantic frozen lake, following the path of a small gnome village.
Brewnall Village
Sitting on the edge of the massive frozen lake sits a small Gnomish village, in the streets are both Dwarfs and Gnomes. The buildings are stone so it looks like it was at least made by Dwarfs and now is land shared by both races.
  The Footman Arms - 50 silver per night
A small inn, fairly dull, not many customers.
Grennor Strongarm: A bald male dwarf, he has a thick black beard.
  Quests   Within the village the party will be approached by a robot, with two caterpillar tracks that push it along, it says to the party, “have you seen my body?”. Inquiring in the party will learn that it is a Gnome called Small Shack he is an engineer that has been experimenting with uploading consciousness to machiary, this gave him the idea to try and upload his own consciousness to a machine while he was experimenting with this a group of Troggs came and stole his body.
The robot leads the party towards a Trogg camp, it is a rough camp with tents built from leathers of local wildlife. The creatures don’t appear to be all that smart, there are bones of old meals just thrown about the place (mostly rabbits). They can see the unconscious body of a gnome, he has a pink monk cut, with a thick mustache that sits over the top of his lip, he has two robotic arms.
After taking out the Gnolls the Robot will instruct them to put the memory disc back into the back of his head, once they have done that he comes back to consciousness.
Reward 2000g



  On the fair end of the massive clearing sits a town with houses made of metal, and gnomes everywhere, spider tanks are walking through the streets. They are greeted by Monty “Hey I see you’ve made it!, come over to my place get rested up and tomorrow we can head into Gnomeregan” after resting for a night he leads them through the town towards a opening on the side of the mountain, standing outside the opening are tanks and lots of troops
  “Just a safety precaution to make sure no Leper Gnomes come up.”
  Off to one side Monty pulls up to a group of Gnomes, they are outfitted with what looks like pressure washers, there are large tank-like vehicles. As Monty addresses the gnomes…
“Ok so start loading up the decontamination units onto the central elevator, the adventures will head inside and get the key card once they have inserted it into the central console on the floor will be able to start the clear up of that level. We are close to reclaiming our city back, this is another step forward!”
The gnomes start cheering as they are led inside down a stone staircase towards a lift, after descending deep down the cold air is lifted and the temperature shifts to a warm humid feel, there are a lot of military down here.
  “This area has been reclaimed already we use this a point to launch missions into the deeper levels of the city, so far we have been able to reclaim 42 of the 60 levels, unfortunately the reclaiming is a slow, some levels are heavily infected with Leper plague, some have troggs and some we just don’t have the information on yet.”
  He leads the party down towards a small lift that will take them down to the 36th level.
  “Good luck we will be ready to head down once you flip the switch, Oh the password to the main office is Backpack”
  After the lift takes the party down to the Level, the exit and are greeted by what looks like a neo steampunk city; there are abandoned houses, green puddles on the floor, they make their way through the streets they are ambushed by a group of troggs.
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After heading deeper into the city they end up in the centre chamber where they see the main elevator shaft, and the centre console. They can see 2 rooms either side of the shaft, one looks like a hanger of somesort and the other looks like an office. The main console is missing both a power pack and the key card
Walking over towards the office it's a 2 level raised building that looks like the other loading area. (The door is trapped) opening the door triggers a ballista 3d12+9 damage. A check of 15 is needed to disarm. They head inside a small metal robot playing with a little box. “Oh no Intruders activating reverse sequence!”
He presses a button on the little box and there is a a blue flash Con 14 they see the robot starts to fall apart, but in an order as if it’s being taken apart they way it was put together, anyone who fails will start to grow smaller and smaller until they are a baby (this effect will last for 6 hours.)
  If anyone steps forward they move backwards. To get into the second level there is a keypad next to the door the will need to enter in K-C-A-P-K-C-A-B to get up the the next level
  On the 2nd level the party whoever is first into the room will have a gelatinous cube fall from the ceiling onto their head enveloping them
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After looking around the room inside one of the desks they find the keycard.
A massive room filled with planes that are falling apart in the centre of the room is a large robot and a bunch of small robots doing some work on it. They see one walking with what looks like a power pack in its arms.
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Once they have received all of the required parts to turn on the elevator they wait for about 3 minutes before ceiling opens up somewhat like a camera lense as a gigantic platform descends from the sky, on board are serval tanks and about 40 Gnomes the second they get off a group start spraying with the jet washers one comes up to the party and sprays them all down. Monty steps off with a full biosuit on.
  “If you head up to the surface my assistant Louise has your gold ready for you, Thank you adventures you’ve done Gnomish kind a great deed today”


  The light snowfall flutters down as the mountain path veers off to the left down a thin untracked path leading downhill. A small mound of snow sits off to the side of the road, underneath is an old wooden sign “Vast’ole 1 mile” the cobbled road that leads towards the town has one set of small footprints that seem somewhat fresh.
  Trekking through the snow the party looks down the hill where they can see a settlement, it has a cold empty feel. Eventually arriving at the edge of town, small stone buildings with locked doors line the streets. The old blacksmiths still has a sword sitting on the anvil, the forge not been lit for a long time. Walking through the town the party sees an old teddy bear, one of the eyes has fallen out now sad and frozen solid from it’s time in the snow. A few claw marks can be seen on buildings and a few rusted weapons.

Lockwardens Keep

Sitting in the middle of the town a larger central building sits standing out from the others. The large wooden double doors creek open into the central room, dust fills the air, a grand set of stairs lead up the middle of the room and onto the 2nd floor, a grandfather clock frozen in time leans against one of the walls.
  A small but humble little kitchen, the draws are filled with silverware, the cupboards filled with cooking utensils and dwarven tankards. The room leads into a grand dining room, stuffed bears, wolfs run parallel to the large oak table, the table is made with plates and cutlery laid out a thick layer of dust sits on the top, the seat at the head is a larger more grand chair than the rest of them with the initials M.L elegantly carved into the top of the backrest.
  Living room
  A rather cosy looking room there is a very comfortable armchair, 3 sofas and a large fireplace, books are on multiple different bookshelves most on feats of forefathers, or folklore the occasional fairytale as well. A harp eats up one of the corners with it’s rather massive size. There is an oil painting of Dun Morogh and an area with green pine trees, and what looks like a lake.
  A small room on the 1st floor, a giant white bear with deep red eyes stands in the corner and is positioned in a way that makes it look like it is attacking on its hind leg. Two old rifles that are hanging above the door crossed are set up, there is a glass cabinet filled with medals and awards. Behind a well made wooden desk is a large oil painting of 4 dwarfs 3 of the faces are hard to make out as if they’ve been worn, the picture seems to have a older male dwarf sitting on the grand chair in the dining room with a young girl with brown hair sits on his lap, standing to his right with one hand on his shoulder is a female dwarf who with ginger hair and a rather stocky build, and standing just front of the chair with a pair of shorts is a dwarf no older than 10 years old is a boy with pale skin and seem black hair, his face is the only one they are able to make out. The desk has a small oil lamp on it and a feather quill. A note half written says
  “I’m sure we had more people we were able to send out on these ranger missions, we will have to work with what we’ve got. (Hard to read name) made a fool of herself again, almost running an entire batch of gunpowder by leaving it out in the snow. Bromil never would have done that, he was a bit reckless at the best of times but he still had common sense. I wonder where he is, my son took off into the world looking t”
Top floor
  Bedroom - Bromil
  A small room with a single bed in, the bed has been made and has a small note on it “Bromil, I’ve made your bed in case you decide to return and we aren’t at home”. There is a wardrobe filled with old clothes and ranger gear, 10 rifle shots on top of a counter. A small mirror sits on the wall. Other keepsakes from bromells childhood are dotted around the room, a toy soldier, a small wooden crossbow that shoots blunt arrows rather slowly.
  Bedroom - Corlanna
  Inside this slightly larger but still humble size room is an unmade bed with white sheets, greying from the heavy dust, a small table with a mirror and a chair, on the desk is powders and light makeup, a small diary sits on the desk as well. The diary has a chain of notes about fuck ups around the town, how her mothers seems to want to keep her from the world, and that shes more than just a clumbsy waste of space, how she will make a name for herself just like her father. There's also a little love heart in the back with (CL + BH)
  Master Bedroom
  Standing out on the upper level due to it’s double doors, inside the master bedroom is a grand looking double bed well made, with an excessive amount of pillows, a well made dress up table for a woman is laid out 3 mirrors allowing whoever is getting ready to be able to see themselves from the side. A walk in wardrobe with various different clothes, some very elegant and some more practical for the cold climate.
  Sneaking about the town is a small green goblin, he’s wearing a brown leather coat with a fur collar to keep himself warm, little red eyes, he hairline has almost fully reseeded. Instantly they will recognize him from Vinnies ship.
  “Hey it’s Angie's lot! What er... what are you guys doing in a shit hole like this?”
  He will explain how he came to this town to see what had happened and that he and Vinnie used to have a trade deal with the town (he can’t tell you the name).
  Insight 10: Something is amiss with him.
Insight 15: He’s lying.
Insight 20: Spill the beans.
  “Look I don’t know much Numbazi and me had a little plan to deal with some of the Council (Sky Pirate leaders) he said he knew some kind of magic he could do, and before long it got out of hand and he sent me here to see what had happened to this town, i promise that's all I know!”
He gathered 20kg of fungus, 500 gold of insece, 20 pounds of clay, a chisel, and a pregnant broad.
Numbazi left the ship to run some errands a while ago and hasn’t been seen for weeks.

The Legacy of Vast'ole

  A light grey blanket of clouds lets through enough light to see Vast’ole sitting at the base of the bowl, surrounded by the tall trees, the village is dark and chillingly quiet. The cold air pieces through whatever warm clothing you have on. Your visibility is still good enough for you to make out a few shapes in the village. A humanoid shape holding a torch walks over to another few shapes you can see something being handed over (food). Heading into the village there are 4 dwarfs setting up a bonfire in the town square. They are a group of people who once lived in the village and moved out or people who had heard something bad had happened and came to help. They are slowly removing damaged parts from buildings and reinforcing them. The bonfire in the centre is burning unusable material. They will tell the party there are 10 people here helping fix the town. They are joined by a familiar face, Doron from Rumblecusp.
  Doron: The Dwarf from Rumblecusp returned home after hearing from Brommil what happened. By the time he arrived they had already started working on the village.
Oma: A female Dwarf who once lived in Vast’ole when she was a teenager she traveled through the Dwarven territories exploring. During her time in The Hinterlands she met a young Wildhammer dwarf named Meldas who she fell in love with and married. After her memories faded she made her way back with her husband to see what became of Vast’ole.
Meldas: Oma’s husband a warm kind man, while he is used to warm climates he is still holding up well in the cold of Dun Morogh. He’s very knowledgeable about the goings on in The Hinterlands as he is part of the group that holds relations with the City of Beasts.
Timble: A gnomish merchant, he remembers stopping by Vast’ole for years, but at some point he stopped visiting, he stopped by to see what happened to the town.
Mivi: A younger dwarf she came up from Kharanos after she heard a group of people were working in the town. She came to help, her father was a mountain ranger who used to come by Vast’ole from time to time. She’s normally preparing food for the volunteers and doing general work to keep the group comfortable.
Dimble: Black hair and a thick beard hides most of his face, incredibly strong not a man of many words.
Gumim: Dimbles' twin brother the only way to tell them apart is Gunim has bright orange hair, he also isn’t very talkative the duo seem to get on with work and do most of the heavy lifting.
Sam: A human female who came over from Ironforge, she typically goes hunting for food and also keeps troggs and trolls away from the village.
Tulin: A Dwarfven mountain ranger who joins Sam on her trips outside the village. He’s very protective of Sam but deep down is a kind person.
Brujde Highhammer: Bromils friend who fled with brommel when they were young he returned after hearing rumours something terrible had happened.
  When Brommel is separated from the group he will see a dwarven male, aged with long black hair tied into a ponytail and a thick black beard. He won’t say a word, just looks at brommel and walks off towards the Manor. He walks into the house opening the front door, he walks towards the office, the room on the 1st floor with the giant stuffed white bear, he stops for a brief moment, he looks at the guns on the wall and takes a deep sigh. “put the gun on it’s stand” he gestures towards brommel. The gun is put on the empty slot on the wall and walks to the giant cabinet filled with medals and opens the door gently. A quick click sound while he flips a switch. The desk starts to move revealing a set of stairs heading down. The bottom room is a small wine cellar that is filled with fine wines from around the world. In the center a pedestal with a gun resting on a simple stand. “The Lockwardens have protected these lands for many generations. While the people are gone not all of The Lockwardens are gone. This gun is the family's greatest treasure. Rebuild our home and protect the people.” and with that the man is gone.


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