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You can enter into Duskwood from two different ways the first is from the crossing at redridge mountains one way heads to Elwynn Forest the other heads to Duskwood, the other way in is across the bridge at Westfall both have an fairly dramatic change in scenery… The air becomes colder dropping from a warm temperature it becomes colder and colder the deeper in you get, a torch would be the only source of heat the party gets and even that is insufficient, the sun gets blocked out by grey clouds and a thick layer of trees, it feels like the forest is in a constant state of night. The saying the trees have eye have never felt so real there's this ever sinking feeling that you are being watched.


As the party continue down the endless road the wind starting to pick up making the cold air even worse than before it’s the kind of wind that feels like it cuts through your clothes the see a light flickering off in the distance as two torches struggle to stay lit in the wind, standing guard are to Human males wearing dark leathers with chainmail on show in between the gaps in clothes they have two thick brown cloaks on to keep the warm and as they shout “Who goes there?” if any Undead, Worgen, Orc, Void elfs, Troll, Death Knights or Demon Hunters, they will not be allowed into the town. The guards are wielding silvered swords. The Guards are standing either side of two 9ft stone pillars with the torches mounted on a metal arc coming from the top in the centre of the arc you see “Darkshire” written. The town is made up of about 80 homes all the streets head towards a central courtyard; a water fountain that has been dried up for sometime sits in the centre; a building with a clock tower has about 14 guards similar to the ones out the front but without the cloaks on stand around the courtyard.


  Scarlet Raven Tavern - 70 silver per night
  A warm glow cuts through the dark cold of outside entering inside the inn a roaring fire heats the room. The floor is stone, hanging from massive wooden beams on the ceiling are metal chandeliers with candles burnt almost all of the way down, the wax everywhere. The Inn is quite a few off duty guards drinking ale at a table closest to the fire. A group of villagers are sitting across the room glaring at the guards.
  Hann Treylane - A man in his late 50’s with orange hair that is greying at the side, his skin is dry and weathered. (Posh Voice).
Mabel Treylane - The barmaid and daughter of Hann, she is young a beautiful light brown hair.
Keefer - One of the guards a man in his late 30’s with long dark hair that is unkept and messy.
Jordain - A slightly younger man been on the nightwatch for about 4 years now. The guards are staying warm before they go on shift.
Haydon - A man in his 40’s longish brown hair his wife was killed recently and he blames the guard for it. (London accent). Ansell - A friend of Haydon a merchant who often travels between Westfall, Redridge and Elwynn Forest. He has grey hair that is cut short at the sides and long on top combed backwards (European Accent).
  Darkshire Town Hall
  The building with the clock tower on top of it inside is a small library and a series of rooms and offices that are not open to the public, the door at the end of the hall has a lady sitting outside taking requests to see the mayor. (1 day waiting list)
  Titus - A well dressed man in a black suit and long black hair and a well kept beard in his mid 40’s. (Posh voice).
Belle - A woman mid 30’s with long red hair soft spoken, the secretary of the mayor.
Millstripe - A bald man well dressed. (Posh).
Dore - A Middle aged woman with black and grey hair comes off as snobby.
  If they meet the mayor while they sit outside they will walk in on a conversion. “And how are we meant to deal with the… oh hello. How may I help you?” If asked they are dealing with a problem on two fronts the feral worgen have been getting closer and closer from the north west off in the far west they sent out more Night watch to Raven Hill to deal with a ghoul outbreak. This has lead to a lack of guards within the town and there have been multiple sightings of worgens inside the town until last week when a woman was killed. No one was around the witness the attack but she had a massive slash in her chest and was deemed as an attack by the worgen.
  A small dim lit building candles give the only light to the room it’s cold damp. A powerful, pungent, disgusting odor fills the air, the smell makes you gag. A man with a white beard and glasses wearing an apron is in the room alone, he has 3 tables set up with bodies covered in a white sheet all though there are some pretty heavy blood stains on one of the bodies covers.
  Addison - A bald man with a white beard poking out from underneath his mask, circular glasses about 46 years old he’s wearing gloves is a very well established doctor.
  “Take a bit of cloth and dip it in the oil it should help with the smell, and will make sure you don’t catch anything, some of these bodies are a little old as they had to come from Raven Hill.”
There are 3 bodies that the party can look at
  1. A Human Male he has short black hair with a thick mustache, his skin is extremely pale and he has a stab wound right in the heart. There is no blood. He's been dead for a few days now so the wound has been cleaned up. He died fighting undead close to Raven Hill.
  2. A Human Male long blonde hair, his skin is just a pale but he has a purple veiny effect that is spread across his whole body and all gathering around a wound just below his ribcage, what's odd is the wound doesn’t look deep enough to have done any major damage.
  3. A Human Female she has short brown hair, she has one massive slash that has been sown up starts just after her shoulder cuts vertically down ending at the hip.
“It was hard to tidy her up but I did the best I could poor thing she must have been terrified dying alone in cold dark.”
  He’s investigating the bodies as he believes that a necromancer attempted a failed to resurrect the 2nd body.
Just like the rest of the town it’s dark and dim, however the light from the forge both lights up a portion of the room. Wooden racks hold fairly basic looking swords all though the blade has a different feel to it, there is an odd shine to the blade. In another corner of the shiny metal bars sit piled up. There are chainmail shirts left in piles on the floor. Axes lie messily in a box, bits of straw spread across the floor.
Morg - A Human male, with messy brown hair.
Sells simple weapons however they can sell silvered weapons or silver current weapons.
General goods Store
A small shop filled various adventuring goods.
Osmond - A human male with light skin, well spoken and well kept.
Another small shop with herbs from the local area kept in plant pots around
Yessenia - A elderly human female very pale skin her eyes a white as if she’s blind however she is able to find her way around the shop with ease


The option to scout out the feral worgens who are camped at Addles Stad just south of Raven Hill, they will not have any info to go from, the option to fight the worgen will be there but after one is taken low they will hear “Wait! Please don’t kill him” a beaten an injured worgen lies on the floor there are 20 worgen in hiding, all trying to survive, they notice that the party are not with the night's watch and the worgen that have been attacking belong to a different more aggressive group, they believe that this group is not in control of their ability unlike this pack “While we don’t have the ability to change back, we kept our mind, this pack are lost, and are more wolf than man now.”
  They will be told the pack often move but spend most of their time along the river bank. They then go inland to hunt.
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Raven Hill

  At the other end of Duskwood sits a small village in ruins the houses are abandoned and boarded up around the village a few tents have been set up where guards use to rest a larger tent with a base wooden structure the room is about 40x30ft and about 20ft high inside is a inn/ cafeter. There's roughly 16 men stationed at the camp. A large guillotine sits in one corner of the town, a bucket with blood stains running down it and around the bottom of the guillotine.
  Feren Longmane - A Human male,mid 40’s with black hair wearing the normal night watch armour all though he has thick leather shoulder pads on and his gear is well kept, he is the leader of the Raven Hill post. (London accent)
Oliver Harris - A male with grey hair and an eye patch, a warm personality.   Nardom - A human male who is young and on his first job outside of the town.
  Mava - A woman in her 30’s with reddish brown hair been at the post for a few months
  At Raven Hill the guards posted here are dealing with the dead rising from their graves; they are asked to head into the catacombs and see if they can find the source. They sent some guards in 2 weeks ago but they never came out and at this time they can’t afford to send more in. the Entrance to the Dawning Wood Catacombs is on the other side of the graveyard.
    Dawning Wood Catacombs
  Leaving Raven Hill as the party head towards the Graveyard they stand at the top of the hill looking over the graveyard a thick mist covers most of the graveyard but they can see the area spans at least a mile back a cobbled path leads the party into a central plaza style area a ruined statue of a man in robes one the arms has fallen off a green most covers most of the statue, the whole area is unkept and in the process of being reclaimed by nature. A path leads from north one the the west and one to the east.
  West Path - Down this path the party ends at a massive tomb with a stone carving of a human in armour holding a sword. The top of the tomb has been moved slightly. A reading on the plack “Kordil Costor: Lord of Breakdawn, Slayer of the Amber Direwolf.” Investigation 14 and they will find a family heirloom necklace and that the body is gone.
  East Path - At the end of this path, the party sees a metal fence inside are a number of graves. If the party goes inside they will battle a phase spider. (Scale depending on level).
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North Path - The path heads into the mist every step the field of view gets less and less, the sound of the occasional foot step can be heard followed up by moaning all though placing it seems to be hard. Zombies can be fought or avoided.
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  At the end of the path a ruined stone structure can be seen when they approach it they see it has stone stairs that lead underground, going in the smell is heavy and rancid con save 10 otherwise they can’t hold their stomach and throw up, as the party make their way in the the depths, they find themselves in large stone room torches on the walls light up emptied stone graves around spread around, bones are piled up into small hills the smell from before is worse. 4 wooden doors are on the other side of the room. A sign above says “Break Me”.
Door Puzzle
The door must be broken, there are 4 of them and only one is real. If they hit a fake door they suffer 1d6+3 damage, even though it shows no sign of damage if hit and left standing the player will feel a satisfying crunch when they hit it, roll a d4 that will determine which door is the real door, it will switch everytime it is hit or missed.
  After the door is broken the party will see a man standing in a room over a large wooden table. On top of the table a humanoid creature lies unconscious; the smell in the room is awful. It's the same smell from when they walked into the dungeon but x10. The man will touch the body and a purple glow will emanate from the creature and as it stands a monster similar to a human only taller stands up it has no hair the skin is sewn together and appendages attached by sewn together, as if it’s a frankenstein style monster.
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