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It takes most of a day to climb the side of the mountain as the air starts to get thin they are greeted by a massive stone gate, the snow on the floor is stained brown from carts and just general wear, a small flat landing off to the right can be seen there are traders keeping warm, ahead of them a large stone gate with an anvil logo, there are a lot of guards wearing plate armor with fur and leather lining to keep the cold out. Twice a day the gate opens, one late afternoon and one early morning.

Traders Plateau

  Several fires have been lit where you can see people of Alliance races sit around huddled wrapped in blankets to stay warm. There are several large tanks like looking machines, obviously Gnome made gold and silver with an eagle head serving as the body of the machine, 6 wheels, and a large cannon attached to the back.
  Several fires have been lit where you can see people of Alliance races sit around huddled wrapped in blankets to stay warm. There are several large tanks like looking machines, obviously Gnome made gold and silver with an eagle head serving as the body of the machine, 6 wheels, and a large cannon attached to the back.
  Jordan Stillwell - A Human male with light brown hair wearing thick leathers and furs to keep themselves warm.
  Dareth - A male Worgien, silver fur and light blue eyes, in white leathers.
  A loud horn sound bellows, the massive stone gate starts to lift, the ice that was starting to set over it cracks and falls down, snow starts to slide down in a mini avalanche whipping up a mini snow storm once the white out settles the party can see a long tall corridor, standing at the end a statue of a dwarf made out of stone holding an Axe and Hammer. The crowd starts grabbing their stuff and shifts towards the corridor. Entering the corridor it’s still cold. The bitter wind isn’t as present by it’s still cold. The ground is covered in slush as carts and people have dragged the snow inside.
  Once the party has made it to the end of the queue a Dwarf with a set of glasses on wearing fine clothes steps forward with 3 guards.
  “Hello, welcome to Ironforge, home for all of Dwarvenkind. What be yer business in our fine city?”
The cart will be inspected.
“Please note carrying weapons on yer persons is perfectly fine, but if you are to use them we will come down with the full force of Dwarven law.”
Entering into the city there is a sudden shift in temperature as it becomes extremely warm. The snow that remains on the party from being outside melts almost instantly and they can feel them drying off. They turn one last corridor out into a massive open space, the floor is made out of fine stone tiles, the inside of the city is massive large griffins fly around the city delivering goods and functioning as a taxi service.

Commons District

Running through the centre of the commons district is a lake of molten lava with several large stone bridges crossing over, a metal net is suspended over the top of the lava to stop people falling in.


  Ironforge Armory
A Plate and metal specialist shop.
Mangorn Flinthammer
- A dwarven male with thick black hair and a massive black beard.
  Steelfury’s Weapon Emporium
A shop to deal with melee weapons. Inside the building and down the stairs there are weapons covering the walls all over, dummies with slashes all over it.
Grenil Steelerfury - A bald headed male Dwarf with a black bushy beard overly friendly.
Dolman Hurtfold - an old dwarf, with thinning silver hair, and a braided beard.
  Barim’s Reagents
- a Dwarven male with light ginger hair.
  The Stonefire Tavern - 30 silver per night
A small but humble inn with a lot of workers from the trade district, there are 2 floors to the building it is hard to find a seat, behind the bar are rows and rows of kegs with different ales in.
Gwenna - A female dwarf with ginger Leia buns in her hair, she’s soft-spoken.

The Mystic Ward

  The red hot lighting of the Commons district starts to blend with a soft blue lightning, in the centre of the district is a large fountain feature, the shops are all silk shops, the tattoo parlour is put here. Standing in the centre is a large silver and gold building.

Hall of Mysteries

  A large building inside massive pillars run all the way up to the ceiling, braziers are lit running throughout the building.
  Toldren Deepiron - A male Dwarf with white robes on, and a light brown beard that starts from the chin.
  Milstaff Stormeye - A male Gnome, wearing purple silks and a black curled mustache.
  High Priest Rohan - An older male Dwarf, wearing bright red silk robes.
  Juli Stromkettle - A female Gnome, with orange silk robes on.

The Forlorn Cavern

The high roof gives way to a lower ceiling cave only being able to hold a 3 story building within it, a small pool glows a light turquoise, with brazzers lighting the rest of this small area, there are fishing shops / Merchants in this area. The pools are known for a very rare type of trout that swims in the pools, and is a local delicacy.
  Cavern Tavern - 1 gold per night, High Quality beds
  A surprisingly large but quiet tavern that serves the local fish delicacy.
  Garel Redrock - The Male Dwarf Innkeeper, balding head, with beard plated.
  Donner - A female Gnome, Cook. Purple pixie cut hair, with deep blue eyes.

Hall of Explorers

A large open part of the city residential homes for wealthier Dwarfs and Nobles,a massive structure with massive archways stands in the cente.
  The Library
A mix between a museum and a Library, after passing through the gigantic archways seen hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room, a skeleton of a Pteradon, there are multiple stuffed animals, skeltons & relics on display. At the back of the building is an enormous library, books go up 60ft towards the ceiling of the building.
  Mae Paledust - Head Librarian of the Library an older Dwarven lady with short white hair and red eyes.
  Doctor Karnik - A writer within the library, wearing a fine grey suit, grey hair and glasses on.
  The Bearded Lady - 3 gold per night
A well dressed dwarven bar taxidermy creatures are everywhere, there are red leather chairs all over the place a warm fire heats the Inn a lot of the Dwarfs in this area seem to be from some kind of money
  Montgomery Bluewhistle - A male with a posh accident and the owner of the bar


A rotating cog acts like a display piece to signify the Gnomish part of the city, the stone floor becomes metal and heading down a cold alleyway the sound of wielding, and machine parts turn fills the air, inside this part of Ironforge it’s nothing but Gnomes.
  Deeprun Tram
Just like in Stormwind a circular corridor made of rotating cogs, somewhat like a fairground leads towards a train station, a tram towards Stormwind costs 15 gold.
  Things That Go Bang
A gnomish engineer is huddled behind a small desk pouring a gun powered into a red tube, over there are barrels filled with fireworks and over explosives.
  Fizzlebang Booms - A scatty Gnome with one real arm, one robotic arm, and an eye patch.
  Dynamite: As an action, a creature can light a stick of dynamite and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A character can bind sticks of dynamite together so they explode at the same time. Each additional stick increases the damage by 1d6 (to a maximum of 10d6) and the burst radius by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 feet). Dynamite can be rigged with a longer fuse to explode after a set amount of time, usually 1 to 6 rounds. Roll initiative for the dynamite. After the set number of rounds goes by, the dynamite explodes on that initiative. 15 gold per stick.
  SpringSpindles Gadgets
  A workshop where players can spend 30g per day for a full day will give them the engineering skill, starting at 0 + int, every day adds a +1 up until +5 Naturally (not including int or other outside factors).
  Cog N’ Spring - 50 silver per night
A small metal building with tiny tables that Gnomes are drinking and eating at, it’s really cyber punk, dodgy looking monitors are used to order food that is bought out on a conveyor belt.
Lomac Gearstrip - A bald on top but short hair on the side and back, gnome male with green tinted glasses, is the Innkeeper.

The Military Ward

  Once again Ironforge has an orange tint to it from the fiery heat, a massive pool like feature sits in the middle of the area, but it is filled with coals. This area is mostly homes for soldiers and those in the Military. In the far back of the zone is a large metal structure with a massive archway and stone steps leading into it, this is the War Council locally known as the hall of arms.
  The Hall of Arms
  The room is filled with soldiers cleaning guns before heading out on patrol, other reporting findings to superiors, up on the upper level there is a circular table where officers are looking and moving markers of tanks, planes and troops around. The sound of machinery starts to clunk, as a plane is pulled out on what looks like a crane game claw and drops it onto a set on rails that bend upwards right where a doorway in the ceiling starts to open up and the smell of fumes fills the room and the plane launches up and out of the tube.
On the bottom floor there is a workshop filled with the eagleheadedd tanks.
  Muren Stormpike - A middle aged Dwarf with short brown hair and a short beard. Wearing plate armour.
Borim Goldhammer - A Dwarfen Male with silver and gold plate armour.

The Great Forge

  In the centre of the city is a massive area filled with workshops, a pool of lava sits in the middle while from the ceiling buckets the size of a small airships are pouring out molten metal into large almost keg like as templates for different weapons are held under and field, the area is mostly for mass producing of equipment. Giant lanterns hand from the ceiling by chain light in the hall room.
  The High Seat
Within the great forge sits the royal chamber where the 3 rulers from the ruling council. On a raised platform sits 3 square chairs each arm rest has an eagle with molten lava pouring out of the mouth.
  Muradin Bronzebeard - A redheaded male Dwarf wearing dark blue/ grey armor either leaning next to his seat is a mace that is silver with golden trimming and a black axe with a glowing rune in the center.
  Falstad Wildhammer - A topless dwarf covered in tattoos on his chest, arms, neck and head. He has long ginger hair tied back into a ponytail he sit at his seat resting his hands on a two handed mace.
  Moira Thaurissan - A pale skinned woman this light ginger hair tied into buns, wearing a fine black skirt.
  Honor Guard Dunstad - A male dwarf with bright red hair and beard in golden armour with a shield and polearm.
  This room has a large door that runs down into old Ironforge. Only with permission may the party enter that part of the city.


The Ball
  Inside the Library the party meets an eccentric Gnome named Toben. He is a Noble who made his fortune selling enchantments. He is tall for a gnome shaved head, with a brown pencil mustache. He’s heard of the party's adventures and is a massive fan.
  “Please come to my ball, there will be food, drink music and girls… It’s a polymorph party! You can be whoever you want to be.”
  After accepting the Party invite the party starts in 3 days time.
  That Night the Inn is really busy with customers, one of the party members will hear a conversation between two dwarfs across the room...
  “We take out the Enchanter at the party, his scrolls are strong enough to stop the mass mind control, when you are done meet us at the cathedral. This with the red label is the poison, this with the brown label is the polymorph potion, you will appear as a Bugbear, Don’t get the potions muddled up… May the eye of the Mother watch down upon you”
If they follow them out the streets are packed a perception check of 20 will reveal they have headed in separate directions.
    When the party arrives at his house in the Hall of Explorers the party has already started. The music is blaring and they can see a mage is casting polymorph on everyone who enters the building. Inside is a massive fountain that goes 2 stories up, a golden statue of Toben is at the top, pouring out is red liquid, people are lying in the fountain others are walking up with glasses and filling them and drinking from them.
Roll d100 and refer to the Monster manual for the page that decides there polymorph
There are 3 Bugbears at the party, one has whitefur with red eyes, one has brown fur with black eyes and one has black fur with green eyes.
  White Fur - Go’bian Secretly the murderer, thinks that Toben is a bit of a fool but means no harm. He thinks he is useful for political gain, within the Nobles.
Brown Fur - Shangale A fellow enchanter, who doesn’t like Toben however is here to save face.
Black Fur - Raih An old apprentice of Toben, however was let go due to.
The party have 2 attempts before Toben is effected from the poison, if they fail they will see the a white furred bugbear leaving in a hurry, they can give tale and watch him enter in through a secret door down into old Ironforge, or they can kill him a retrieve a note detailing where the Cathedral is. They then can enter by going through the Throne room.
  Old Ironforge
Heading down deeper into the mountain the tunnel slowly gives way to a large open cavern white crystals line the ceiling, large braziers light the area inside a few guards are posted around a library with massive books on pedestals, a few dwarfs are reading into the books (they are researching azeroth’s world soul) this is the very place that Magni Bronzebeard stood for years frozen in crystal. 120ft down a massive pool of lava sits the bubbles popping releasing gas into the air. There are 100’s of old paths and routes around the old city, but they are pointed out to one that hasn’t been used in a long time.
  Heading down the corridor it starts to get cold and damp and dark. After a little while they find themselves walking out into an area lit up by a crystal ceiling a small pool sits off to the left. Inside are two Basilisks
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The Cathedral
  After making their way back into the deep dark cave they feel the floor turn to steps as they eventually come out into a clearing where standing almost untouched in the rubble of a cathedral there are 4 black robed people walking around the cathedral almost like lookouts doing rounds. Once they have made their way inside they will see a standard looking cathedral, a few pews lined up above the stained glass windows is a carving a lizard looking creature with horns and 10 legs is drawn to look like it is wrapped into a circle. Upon a raised platform sits an angel in a prey position written on a plaque at its base the party read.
It has a golden head.
It has a golden tail.
It has no body.
A gold coin.
    After the party gets riddled, the angel opens her arms as the centre of the floor starts to slowly dip into the ground making a staircase. Heading down there are lit torches on the wall they find themselves in a room with a small bridge running through the centre a 10ft drop below either side there are skeletal remains of different races, the next room is the same only bigger the drop is deeper this time the bones look draconic. Once they have crossed over into the next room they hear chanting coming from all around the room, 8 cultists standing in a circle all saying “The Mother will be fed, the Mother will be fed…” a 9th cultist a draenei female says “Once Toben has been taken out of the picture we can finish casting our mass mind control, then finding food for Mother will be as easy as ordering them to walk into her camber”.
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After the fight they find a book detailing the story of the Followers of the Mother
  The Cult of The Mother Book
Back thousands of years Thralza feasted proto dragons she hunted allowing her to grow massively in size and starting her endless hunger, after the dragons were turned into higher beings with the birth of the Dragon Aspects she found it harder and harder to fill her endless hunger, her followers known only as the Followers of The Mother had been stealing black dragon eggs and feeding her dragons they had grown, however the fall of Deathwing and the Black DragonFlight being left ruin it became harder and harder to feed her, promising more and more power in return for food the cult were starting to run out of options. They fed her, traveling traders and their horses, they stole rams, they kidnapped people from the city, in a last desperate bid to feed The Mother, the cult decided a mass mind control on the city would make it easier to feed the endless hunger of Thralza.
  Numbers Puzzle
  The next room they can hear sounds in draconic “Wer nugri di vi dask” (the hunger of a Mother grows). The room is small, a table sits in the center. There are 10 squares in the stone table three numbers have already been placed.
8 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 2 0
Answer 549763 (Alphabetical)
  Thralza’s Lair
In the deepest point of the dungeon rests a large empty room. Four erval holes in the walls can be seen. Heading down the staircase they can into the room and interacting with the room will trigger the encounter.
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Once the party has cleared out the room they will find 2500g and on a nat 20 on the way out a d100 roll for a magic item.


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