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Loch Modan

A light snow falls as the party make the final stretch up a large hill, as the snow fall gets heavier and heavier it starts to cover the path the air is bitter cold, a warm glow can be seen up ahead emanating from a stone arc way when they arrive there are no guards just a tunnel that leads into the side of the mountain and down, every 20 foot brazier light and heat the inside of the tunnel, the floor and walls are stone and the path is a steady slope down that winds for a long while. Eventually the long winding tunnels seemly end as a warm sunlight glow can be seen and as the party emerge from the tunnel they can see luscious green grass the sun glowing warmly down on the party, as they follow the path that sits surrounded by a valley the air is still a little cold, they get the sense that they have dropped a fair amount but they are still pretty high up in the mountains.
  The Valley opens up into a stone path way pines trees are dotted around and they find themselves still surrounded by mountains on both ends into rock formation the path is headed to is a pair of massive stone statues standing at 150ft tall each they are carved into the side of the mountain, one is holding and axe and the other is hold a hammer. Riding on rams two mountain ranges are riding giant rams with guns strapped to the side. Heading through the archway the surrounding mountains give ways to a woodland with rolling green hills. A wooden sign post is standing on the side of the road. There are two arrows pointing to the north “Thelsamar” & “Wetlands” one point towards the South East “Badlands”.


  Tucked into the rolling hills of Loch Modan surrounded by trees sits a small village made up of various different homes built into the hills while the village is small there a fair amount of homes as the village is almost multilevel, one larger building partly poking out of the hill it is built into, wooden tables are set up with chairs around, ontop a giant keg sits on the roof, a small staircase leads up to an open archway and a banner says “Stoutlager Inn”.
Stoutlager Inn - 15 silver per night
Inside is a cosy stone building with an upper level and the main food level, dwarfs sit drinking ale, and eating large plates of meat. A warm glow comes from the fireplace, on the walls are kegs, guns and heads of creatures that have been hunted.
Broah Hearthstove - A male Dwarf with a thick brown beard and a bald head.
  Vidra Hearthstove - A Middle aged female Dwarf with orange hair with pale skin and freckles.
  Honni Golden Goat - Head chef of the inn, a female Dwarf with short light brown hair.
Morhan Coopertongue - A muscular male Dwarf with black beard and one long black ponytail on the top of his head the rest of his hair is fully shaved.


Mountaineer Kadrell head mountaineer is offering up 400 gold for anyone feeling brave enough to kill whatever has been eating supply wagons and traveling traders. He doesn’t have much info but if they speak to Greishan a trader who had a run in with the beast. “I saw him this morning he was getting his stock ready on his cart”. When the party tracks him down they find a Dwarf with brown hair and his beard is platted into two separate plates. He’s loading cloths and what looks like antic pots onto a cart that is pulled along by a white giant ram. Speaking to him will reveal that most people don’t travel with carts full of food due to everyone who has tried to move around with carts and meets normal get attack, he will say how he didn’t see the creature only think he saw was a sinkhole formed swallowing his cart whole and he was able to jump off to safety but he remembers the last thing he was was a swirl of sharp teeth, then the hole closed up and it was over.
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Leaving the village the party sees the massive Lake and roads that follow the edge of the lake about 15 miles around the edge and eventually hit a small village. There are empty houses and buildings everywhere with no sign of life.

Lord Brenik’s Estate

On the fair side of the Lake lies a small dirty track that leads up to a set of large silver gates, there is the emblem of a shield with two griffins either side there guards posted out front and some can be seen walking the grounds. As they get closer a young human male with fair blonde hair wearing hunting leathers, has a bow sloped over his shoulder riding a horse, a few armoured guards are with him. He’s fast to recognize the party for their explotes, and invites them in.
  Inside the grounds are fine gardens with water features, local’s who work for the estate can be seen keeping the horses, trimming the flowers, and preparing food. Inside it is massive.
  Michal Brenik - A man in his 60’s with grey short hair, a finly kept mustache and is wearing fine clothes. He is a noble responsible for dealing with renovations to stormwind. He had recently just lost the job of overseeing the rebuild of the Stormwind park to another noble called Simon Wilrett. In his rage he formed a secret alliance with the Defias Brotherhood, with plans to attack the city in order to rebuild the city at an extronate rate. assiassination plans for Simon Wilrett have already been laid out and will be carried out in 5 days time. Simon WIlrett is currently in Stormwind around the Cathedral District.
  Jordan Brenik - The young heir to the family title and an only child, Jordan is 22 years old. He is a beloved Lord who spends his time helping the worse off, he is unaware of his father dealing and if he would find out he would be outraged.
  Elfec - A male Dwarfen cook on the estate.
  Mayna - A female Human gardener.
  Troydon - A human male, head of the guard.
Simon Wilrett
Simon Wilrett, is the head of architects guild of Stormwind, He is male in his 50’s fairly obviously wearing a wig, he recently finished construction on Stormwind park and Varian Wrynn's memorial. He’s a kind man, but a little dumb. He can be found in one of the lower rooms in a stormwind cathedral praying he is attacked by an assassin.
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After saving his life, he offers the party a reward of 1500 gold to bring his daughter back home alive.
  Emily Wilrett - 17 years old, a stunning looking girl with long dark brown hair and blue eyes, she took off to start a career with the adventurers guild. She has headed off to the Badlands to investigate a potential lead on a dig site. (Tomb of the Watcher).


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