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Silverpine Forest

The sky darkens as the air starts to get cold.The woods surrounding Silverpine Forest are sickly and haunted, and eerily silent, save the roars from the more feral inhabitants of the region. Nowadays under the control of the Forsaken, Sylvanas Windrunner's deathguards roam through the zone.

Monastery of the Mist


  In the far south of Silverpine an enormous building peaks from atop the trees, approaching the front of a courtyard. As the part peers into the courtyard a rumble can be heard as a large stone statue is pacing back and forth.
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Main entrance
The main entrance is a gigantic room with benches and various statues lined up against each wall, at the very back of the room a massive 30ft statue of a female monk looms over the room in perfect condition (Shaya, an apparition of the Mist god). The room has a few undead monks walking the halls.
Behind the statue a set of stairs lead down into a set of corridors. On the far end a door into the inner sanctum. The far end has a locked door that needs two keys. The room starts to fill with water as a Shadow Demon pours out of one of the vents and a swarm of zombies. The party needs to collect the two keys and get out in 1 minutes
Shadow demon 64 & 316

Inner Sanctum
  The inner sanctum was a room where pupils were taught to master their art, it was where tests were held, inside Guille is in the act of summoning a Nalfeshnee.
Nalfeshnee 62

The Road to Tirisfal Glades

  Rolling thunderclouds cast a grey tone over the forest large rolling hills and massive trees fill the landscape, there is an inescapable feeling of being watched at all times, the weather starts to turn harsher as a white flash slices through the sky, standing atop a hill a young girl in a white dress stands staring off into the distance, as she turns around and looks down the hill towards the party out the corner of her eye, she gives a subtle smile, as she swings around to look at the party face on she is revealed to have half a rotting face. One more flash of lighting and she is gone. The rain starts to pour down heavily.


While traveling the road the party hear from the forest the sound of a man screaming, the party find a man crawling backwards from my a plague bear, one of his legs has been ripped off, the bear is covered in black fur, large portions of the beast skin has fallen away exposing bone and flesh, one of its eyes is whited over.
After saving the man, he will thank the party and offer them a place to stay for the night in the town of Dawsbury.
Dawsbury sits off deep into the woods it’s a small hunter gather village once under the kingdom of Lordaeron, it is now separated from the rest of humanity, instead having to do what is necessary to survive the undead that control almost all of the area, with the next human settlement being days of wandering through undead territory they instead decided to bunker down in a place they know. Passing beyond Dawsbury is going to be hard as the border into Tirisfal glades is heavily guarded by Dread Guards which are the Forsakens most elite troops, however the people of Dawsbury have found a way around using ties to the Scarlet Crusade they have access to a pass that is protected by the Crusade. While they don’t like the Scarlet Crusade they always know they have a place to flee to if times get too hard.
Secrets of Dawsbury
The terrible secret of Dawsbury is they are under protection of a Clan of undead know as ‘The Unmade’ these beings come by once every month to collect, weapons, steel, gold, anything they can use and this month they don’t have enough to pay which means members of the Village will have to be offered up. They’ve had to face this tragedy once before and last time they took 20 people.
  Townsfolk & Locations
  Karsten - A human male, standing at around 6ft with greasy blond hair and deep blue eyes, saved by the party, is having to learn to live with one leg. He is a hunter for a village who has been struggling to find no infected animals.
  Hanniel - The Mayor of the village, not much older than Karsten he took over after the last mayor died (handed over to The Unknown in the first batch). He has short white hair, a stubble beard and a tired look in his eyes. He will offer the party safe passage out of Silverpine Forest if they can do a few tasks for him, with one of the traders who is taking Old Lady Ovars Potions to Scarlet Crusade for goods (Steel, Gold and Livestock).
  Serena - Hanniels daughter, she is about 15 with brown hair that stops just after her shoulder, she’s determined to become a Warrior to fight the forsaken and rid them from Silverpine Forest.
  Mickel - A dwarven handyman, friendly and capable of blacksmithing, cooking or whatever really the man is loved by the villagers for his ability to fix anything he sets his mind to.
  Old Lady Ovar - An earlderly lady who sees medicine & potions for the village.


  Protect the farm - A farm stead that has what livestock the village has was attacked last night by a group of feral worgen it’s up to the party to defend the farm. Heading about 40 minutes out of the village a farmstead can be seen, a few cows and sheep are outside grazing. On Top of the roof sits an old man, Jenkins, with a rifle in one hand.
Jenkins - An older man, typical farmer, gets up, pretty rude and antisocial, he does have a big thing for Old Lady Ovar.
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Find the Fisherman - One of the Villagers fishermen hasn’t returned for over a week his name is Jona, he normally disappears for a few days and stays in a hut by the water however this is longer than normal, could you please go check it out I worry he’s gotten hurt and can’t get home safely.

Upon reaching the coast, the sea is calm almost like a lake with no waves or ripples at all, a thick mist sits on top of the water, the party needs to roll a 12 perception check to see if they can spot the hut, tucked underneath a fallen tree and covered by branches and moss as if to disguise itself a small hut can be seen. The air is dead still and it’s painfully quiet, as the party walks up to the hut they can hear what sounds like a swarm of flies buzzing inside the hut, almost immediately after a smell assaults their noses, a strong pungent odor, the unmistakable smell of rotting flesh. Inside the hut the lifeless corpse of a man lies on the floor, with the head removed. One of the party will notice the same girl from earlier standing on the waves staring dead eyed at the party, after a moment the mist lifts just enough to see her holding the head of the body, eyes open with an expression of fear across the face.
  Attack on the Village - One way or another the party will find out about The Unmade, either Old Lady Ovar could spill the beans by rambling on, or on the final night they will overhear a conversation about how the offering isn’t enough. If they confront the Mayor he will tell them all and how the Harvest is tomorrow in the afternoon, the Mayor will make it known that The Unmade are not to be reasoned with, but it’s not the party's business and they will just have to give over some villagers to make up for a weak Harvest. (at this point if the party wants to fight The Unmade they can have a battle map to plan out the fight).

Shadow Fang Keep


    On the day the party leave the village they will be introduced to a man named Candrie who is one the Villages traders, he’s one of the few that is trusted by the Scarlet Crusade and therefore is able to travel the paths they protect.
  Candrie - A human male about 40 years old, has messy orange hair that sits just below the shoulder. He doesn’t enjoy his trips to the Crusade one because of the peril but two he thinks they are more dangerous than the Undead, at least with The Unmade there was some negotiating but with the Crusade it’s play by there rules or be subjected to their wrath.
  Candrie tells the party it’s a serval day trip to get to Tirisfal Glades, and that's normally the safe part. Once they are in Tirisfal Glades, that's when the trip gets more dangerous. While the road they take is patrolled by the Crusade It’s still close to Undercity the capital of the Forsaken and they have guards and beasts patrolling the land. Once they get close to the scarlet chapel they will be protected from the Forsaken at least.
  The first major obstacle of the journey is ShadowFang Keep. It’s an old Castle atop a Hill that looks directly over the path we take. The Undead and Worgen that infest it’s halls can see us from their vantage point and they will strike if given the chance. There's an old Gilnean noble Lord Godfrey inside the keep who's running the whole thing, we were hoping to get some Scarlets to come and thin their numbers a bit but we’ve not had the chance.
  Inside the Keep there are talks of treasures but not many are crazy enough to go in and take it for themselves.

Lord Vincent Godfrey

  Lord Godfrey was one of the most wealthy of the Gilnean nobles who commanded a lot of respect and had a big influence over the Military within Gilneas, however when the fall of Gilneas happened he opposed his king, Genn Greymane, after discovering that Genn and many of his people had been afflicted with the worgen curse. That would be the last that Victor would have heard of Godfrey.
  After committing suicide rather than acknowledge a worgen as his lord, Godfrey's body was recovered and reanimated by the Forsaken, but after turning on them as well, he fled into the abandoned ruins of Shadowfang Keep, where he and his followers remain.

Monsters of Silverpine



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