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Stranglethorn Vale

  Leaving Duskwood the path heads down south and as the endless grey of Duskwood continues there is a warmth that the party feel, and the bleak and dreary feel lifts as the sun breaks through the clouds for the first time in want feels like an age, greyleaves that fill the forest are slowly replaced more and more greenery, vines hand from the trees, flowers of different sizes and colours, the heat gets more and more intense as the air is humid the temperature rises after an hour of walking the party find themselves at a fast flowing river about 20ft down a large wooden rope bridge crosses the river, it’s about 35ft.
While on the bridge the party will be ambushed by a group of 20 trolls they can either fight or surrender all though the outcome will most likely end in their capture. They will be restrained and blindfolded or knocked out.
  After a while on of the players will come to as they are being dragged by their feet being pulled along by a troll with a spear in one hand riding a raptor, around they stone buildings that resemble that of Mayan architecture, stone pyramids are spread around the settlement, skulls of various different races are on spikes, the smell of the settlement is that of meats from different creatures being left out to dry and burning incenses. Our player can look around to see other raptors dragging the party unconscious, on another look around he can see all their gear on a cart being pulled by a Direhorn (triceratops). As they pull a sudden right turn he feels the rope loosen, as they take in their surroundings they see massive wooden beams forming into a massive cage a few other prisoners are sat around the cage as the rest of the party come to find themselves wearing just cloth shirts and trousers and weaponless.


  Inside the Prison
    Hajan - A Male Troll with light blue skin, red long as messy hair, one of his tusks is broken the other has a ring in it. He belongs to the darkspear tribe, and was taken, he was a spy from Grom’gol Base Camp who came to see what the Gurabashi Trolls were up to.
Takoda - A Tauren male, A large humanoid creature stands 8 foot tall, they resemble a bull with large hoofs and massive horns, he’s covered in a thick black fur. He was a guard for a goblin envoy heading towards booty bay however the goblins sold his out when they were ambushed by the trolls. He’s a kind man, but wants revenge on the goblins that sold him out.
Ozel - A male troll with green skin and no hair, from the Gurabashi clan but broken troll law, he challenged Priestess Ja’ha by calling her a fraud as she had been extorting some of the trolls who are lower down the pecking order, she was taking more food, weapons and rewards from raids claiming it was for the good of the tribe.
  After a day inside the prison the conditions are rough and water isn’t given out and as night falls two guards walk up either side of a female troll wearing bright multi colored robes with golden jewelry on her head.
  “Lets go Ozel, it’s about time…. we... deal with ya little outburst the other day”
  As he is taken out of the prison he is taken across a wooden rope bridge to a pyramid in the centre of the settlement. They hear cheering as he reaches the top, as silence falls.
  “Ozel tried to steal from da great Gurabashi! He hoarded food, he kept trophies from raids to himself… and dis upsets da gods. To appease the great Hakar, Ozel will pay with his blood.”
  Chanting can be heard as what sounds like hundred of trolls in perfect unison are chanting.
  “Shrak loomar guoum gulakaum”.
(Blood for the gods).
  As the chanting gets faster the drums being beaten speed up in tempo, then silence falls… A horrific shrek not the sound of Ozel though something otherworldly, the sounds run down the parties spins, then music starts up and what sounds like a party can be heard.
  The next day a troll male, with light blue skin wearing lots of jewelry, has a fine curved scimitar on his hip, golden bangle style bracelets on his arms, large earrings, a jeweled necklace.
  “Are des da ones?”
  He points at one member of the party asking to take him, this member is taken away to a fine building, golden furniture is all over this house, fresh fruit sits in a bowl on the centre table.
  “Take a seat, have something to eat to drink , ya must be desperate”.
  He will explain that he is one of the many Gurabashi Warlords a trolled called Ha’gura, he is in debt to another troll Warlord a man called Jurabi, he is willing to buy the party as slaves if they are willing to fight for him in the Gurabashi Arena, he will take the prize to pay my debt and they will be granted freedom and safe passage to their next location.

Gurabashi Brawl

    The party are taken south for 1 days travel. A close watch is kept on them and the other fighters, when they arrive they will be given all of their gear back.
This encounter will be a messy fight every 3 minutes on a sand timer; a new enemy will be added to the fight up to 5 times. Roll a d6 to see which entrance they come out of
  • 1 Giant Hyena.
  • Page 326
  • Sabertooth Tiger.
  • Page 336
  • 2x Blink Dog.
  • Page 318
  • Triceratops.
  • Page 80
  • Hydra
  • Page 190
After the fight is done they will be rewarded with their freedom as promised and allowed to go on their way, all the parties stuff will be given back to them.

Senwe's Tomb

  Heading south towards booty bay, a large stone monkey head with red jewels the size of a horse, the mouth is open with two lit torches either side. Heading in there is a set of stairs leading down once the party are inside the mouth behind them shut, trapping them inside.
Room One
After descending deeper in the party find themselves in a rectangular room a large door sits on one side of the room and standing either side there are the remains of two large statues, there are smaller versions of the stone monkeys that when the players walk in flames ignite in the eyes and mouth lighting the room up, on the walls are mosaic art pieces that continue onto the floor. Vines hang from the ceiling covering the entire roof up. Slithering out of the roof, a Snake-like being that resembles a cobra, with a human face, the beast head to tail stretches 20ft.
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“What brings you to the Tomb of Senwe?”
  The Naga will explain that long ago he was tricked and trapped down here by Senwe and forced to guard his tomb after his death. Senwe had made a deal that if he was capable of cheating Bwonsamdi out of his soul, I would have to guard this tomb. Don’t let the name Tomb deceive you Senwe sleeps ahead but he is still very much alive back there. My arrangement means I have to challenge anyone who enters the tomb, but that doesn’t mean it has to be in combat. To spare you from a fight I will challenge you with a riddle however punishment will have to be given to those who fail, but if you pass I will leave this plane until the next group to enter if you kill Senwe however you will free me from my bonds and I will be in your debt.
I begin eternity,
And end space,
At the end of time,
And in every place,
Last in life,
Second to death,
Never alone,
And found in your breath.
The Letter E
Players will take a bike attack for every fail.
Backwards Corridor
The party enters into a corridor that looks normal but ends in a dead end with a stone wall. There is no light in the room. When the party reaches the dead end and turns around there is a brick wall, essentially trapping them inside the corridor. The new brick wall has an inscription that reads “Keep your eye on the wall.” If they walk backwards while staring at the brick wall they will walk into the next room.
Portal Room
The room is a large square room with four doors on each face, with the party entering from one of them. If they go through any of the doors they’ll find that the doors just go to the opposite side of the room. If they do a WIS DC15 check they’ll find a lip on the floor that belongs to a door that if they swing open will also swing open a ceiling door. The ceiling/floor door does not act in a dual manner though, like the wall doors. What goes down the floor comes through the ceiling, but what goes into the ceiling door goes into the exit alcove that leads down a 30’ hallway to the next room.
Senwe’s Tomb
Inside a room that sits in the deepest part of the tomb is a square room dead centre there is a golden tomb, on either side of the room there are 2 golden statues on panthers; a golden table is at the end of the room with a skull head with green gems in its eyes. With a STR 20 they are able to open the tomb inside they will see the skeletal remains of a troll round his neck is a jeweled necklace, he lies on a bed of coins. If the party interacts with anything inside the tomb or with the skull, they will hear laughing followed by..
  “So… ya think you can just walk into the tomb of Senwe, Into my tomb and plunder da goodies, *Laughs* it looks like i’ve got some more souls to deny from Bwonsamdi…”
  As the skull floats in the air, letting out a horrific shrek (Howl action). They fight a Demi Lich, the reward is the 500g inside the tomb.
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