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  Heading to Westfall you can head in from either Elwynn forest or from Duskwood.
Elwynn Forest - The air starts to get more and more dry the pleasant weather the lush green grass and trees go brown and dry as they cross over a bridge they see the rolling hills of Westfall a dry a desolate land it’s made up of many farm, but every plot the party passes seems to have little to no crops. Some farms have just given up entirely on crops and have started opting into keeping life stock, the pigs look weak and lifeless there barely seems to be any meat on them.
  Duskwood - The cold air starts to shift, it gets warm and dry, the wind starts to die down, and instead they find themselves in dry farm lands, the grass is brown, some of the farms look abandoned. Others have little to no crops growing. Some farms have just given up entirely on crops and have started opting into keeping life stock, the pigs look weak and lifeless there barely seems to be any meat on them.

Walking along they will be ambushed at some point on the road. Roll a d4 to decide the fight
  1. Centar group x4
2. Cockatrice x3
Page 42
3. Air Elemental
Page 124
4. Gnoll Fang if Yeenoghu
Page 163
Note the Gnoll can be talked out of combat if you can speak to it, Name is Ro. He is an outcast from his tribe for stealing food.

Sentinel Hill


  Somehow within all of the dry, dead land a large town sits centralised, massive stone walls with Guards posted outside on atop the walls two large wooden gates sit open, as the party make their way in life is flourishing here, the people look well fed and happy, the poor country side doesn’t seem to be attached to the same land. The grass inside the walls is green, a fountain with clean flowing water elegantly sits in the centre of the town. The traders have full stock and people are buying goods.
  Speaking to people would reveal while the town was in repair after the cataclysm ruined the area a rich and noble family from Stormwind called The Hawkmire’s who came with all their money from their farms in Elwynn Forest and looked to invest into fixing life for the people of Westfall. At first everything went well Sentinel Hill was repaired business’s came from around and started to set up shop, the people were bought out of poverty and started to live full and happy lives but when they tried to bring life back to the farm lands they were unsuccessful, they used various different ways to bring life back to the soil, the last attempt made was a year ago which shamans & druids trying to talk to the land but they were unsuccessful. It was as if something was blocking the communication.
The Barely Inn - 20 silver per night
A very pleasant pub which townsfolk eating fruits and food with good ale, a Draenei male stands behind the bar, while 2 younger Draenei females are walking around serving drinks, they will be approached by one offering them a seat
  Azmir - A large male Draenei with deep blue skin, a tentacle beard, he’s pretty imposing but a nice person. (Russian Voice).
  Jelara - A Draenei in her 20’s? She has light blue skin short curved horns that wrap around almost like buns on the side of her head. She is bubbly and pleasant, daughter of Azmir.
  Errah - A mid 20’s Draenei acts older than her sister, you can tell the difference between them then due to the horns Errah has short pointed horns other than that shes seems to look the same, they are twins.


Kris Hawkmire - A Human male in his 50’s fairly round, dresses well he has thick white hair and a almost perfect curled white mustache. He is a gentle nice man.
  Hannah Hawkmire - The wife of Kris, she always wears fine red and gold clothes, she’s a bit of a flirt.
  Jessica Hawkmire - The young Daughter of Kris she’s about 11 years old, shy and not often seen.
                                                    Note getting to the Deadmines will need the party to get approval from the Noble’s as there are military patrols that capture people going around Moonbrook, as that is an area the Syndicate are known to operate. If so, Kris will need the party to head to the herbalist Tifta who has a package ready for lord Hawkmire. The package is a collection of herbs that were meant to cure his constant passing out, he had not been in good health for a few months now.
  Arriving at the Herbalist’s shop it’s on a quite street, the door is open and when they go in they find Tifta a Human female about 30’s years old with red curly hair and a small frame is sitting on her chair, it’s as if she’s in a dead comfortable sleep. Attempting to awake her she doesn’t wake, she's dead.
Clues in the room:
1. She seems to be in a peaceful sleep, no signs of a struggle.
2. There are burnt splashes on pieces of paper on her desk, somewhat like an acid spill.
3. Next to the paper there is an almost empty glass, the drink smells floral.
Speaking to people about the drink, it’s not sold in her shop she just does herbs the drink itself is sold by a traveling merchant called Ko’ani.
4. In the bin is a full bottle of the same liquid with a label. (Print out)
5. There are betting slips for the races.
They can follow these up if they want to find out info on why Katarine and Tifa had been arguing...
it’s about control of the business & money gains.
As soon as they are done they will hear the door open as a man stands in the door, not noticing the body for a few seconds will ask if he can help, as soon as he sees the body he has a melt down. His name is Warden, he is a young man about 22 years old, short brown hair with a goatee. He will tell the party about a woman called Kathrine who is the business partner of Tifta. She invests in a lot of the local shops in the area, and rencelty they had been having arguments he wasn't sure what about but he’d just been hearing yelling from the backroom.
Herb Book
They also may find a book on plants from the local area, one talking about two herbs that grow around Westfall with similar scents but massively different effects. One is called Hempel Weed, it is a slow acting remindy to sickness including coughing and bowel dysfunctions.
The other is called Malbim, it looks the same and smells the same. The only difference is it has a very slightly more intense sweet smell, herbalists train for years to understand the difference between the two. This one acts as a slow poison that takes about a year of consumption to kill off it’s victim so for the most part is relatively safe to consume but constant consumption on a weekly basis is deadly.
Last that jumps out is a Plant called Vlule it’s a plant that looks somewhat like a rose but bright yellow, if it is ground and added to water it makes what is meant to be a sweet drink with a floral scent that is a fast acting poison, it puts the consumer into a deep sleep that will then stop their heart.
The Solution was she was poisoned, by Ko’ani who is secretly the ex mayor of the town a wizard called Fowlzamar, he’d been attempting to kill off Kris slowly using a poisonous herb that he was selling to Tifta disguising it as Hempel weed however the poison was in fact a slow acting plant called Malbim which if taken for a year would eventually kill off the victim he did this to hide his involvement and planned to come back and take control of Sentinel Hill After Kris' death. When Tifta had figured out that the plant was a slow acting poison she started to give him a counter herb but this was also found out by Ko’ani who disguised a position as a peace offering from Katherine.
Fowlzamar’s Tower
Just shy of 23 miles out from sential hill there is a mage tower in the desilet land of Westfall. It stands unguarded. The door is open and as they climb to the top sitting curled up in a corner is a frail old wizard it’s Fowlzamar. He has little to no hair, his skin is wrinkled and dry, long finger nails while he wears a brown dirty robe.


  Heading into Moonbrook, the town is mostly abandoned; the town is derelict buildings, all of them are empty as the windows are shattered most of the doors are broken or in the process of decaying, every building has been picked clean by looters. There is a building at the end that has minecarts outside it and rusted pickaxes. There is a track that runs deep into the ground.


    As they go deeper and deeper, the lights get dim, they come across the skeletal remains of a person in basic clothes with no weapons or goods on them (they are a peasant who couldn’t survive the food shortages under the rule of Fowlzamar. As the tunnels weave deeper and deeper the party pass a large circular room that is empty bar a massive metal cauldron like bowl it stands at about 30ft, from looking around they will see splatters of metal as if liquid metal had been poured into the inside of the bowl at some point, until finally come out at a small rocky outcove that in connected to the sea a single boat sits in the ocean cave, and is currently looking to be in use as a dock.
  26x Bandits.
8x Berserkers.
1x Bandit Captain (Zade).
Page 343-344
There is a chance to loot 300g of valuables from the pirates. If they stop this they will find a large series of letters talking about the attack and funding from a rich noble within Stormwind called Manson Brenick. They will have to ask around to find out the name and location of the noble however the notes do detail that he’s in stormwind and intends to let the attack ruin stormwind mage quarter and harbour, it then details that they will charge in extortion to fix these parts of the city.


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