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Heading down the mountain pass the thinner air of Loch Modan starts to thicken up as a wet humid air takes its place, the tunnel gives way and the party sit on a road that hugs the side of the mountain the look down at the swamplands below, a thick canopy of trees poke out from the heavy fog that sits low covering the floor, as the party heads deeper down and back out of the Dwarven mountain range the cobbled path eventually ends and a mud path takes its place. The wet and cold enorment makes traveling fairly hard the odd lit brazier is passed as to ensure that they are still on the right path. They can hear off to the side the sounds of creatures moving around in deep water (crocodiles). While in the fog they have disadvantage on perception checks and anything relient on sight beyond 30ft.
  After traveling for about an hour in the swamp they hear a clicking sound, parts of the mist move as if something slow moving is passing by. All around them the sound gets closer and from more angles when out of the mist a humiod form emerges charging towards them, it's about human size and has a wicker like appearance.

Greenwarden's Grove

  Not long after they spot a giant wooden archway with wooden walls wrapping around what looks like a settlement emerging from the mist, then just behind a watch tower comes into view, the tower is stone with moss growing all over it with wooden balconies, it appears elven in design.
  As they get towards the archway they see 2 female night elves wearing chainmail with purple leathers over the top stand outside the gate as they pull out their moon glaives, a weapon with a metal handle with 3 curved blades forming a circular shape. “Who approaches the Greenwarden's Grove?”.
Inside the party makes their way into a small humble night elf village where a few houses are carved into trees, the central tower looms over the village with a few sentinels on the different layers keeping watch. A hulking monster standing at around 25ft tall, that looks to be formed out of moss, a thick vines walks slowly through the town towards a small circle of flowers where it lies on its side, a few birds land on top of it and seem to take root in a nest within its form.
This creature is Rethiel the Greenwarden it is the Guardian on the Village an ancient being that is one with nature, he is aware of the wicker monsters in the swamp and knows of a Hag called “Yolanda” or the locally known as the “Wicker Witch”, she makes deals with people capable of giving them great gifts. One of those is a local trader called “Vasuuvata” who travels between here and Menethil Harbor for goods
  Vasuuvata - A drenai trader with deep blue skin, she has thick black hair and no horns can be seen. She made a deal with the Yolanda which gave her a ward that keeps her safe while traveling to the Harbour to collect her goods, she has a necklace that summons a small wisp that fights off attackers. She traded her horns and 15 years of her life to this Witch. She trades in foods bringing food back for her lover Hala the Hippogryph keeper.
  Hala - A female Night Elf with Platinum whiote hair and purple skin, she is stunning and the keeper of the local Hippogryph, they use them to deliver letters or the sentinels use them to scouting missions, and can sometimes use them to taxi people. If they ask, they can go to Ironforge, Loch Modan, Menethil Harbor or Dun Modr. (10g per person).
    Huntress Iczelia - A female elf head sentinel of the Grove, she is light purple skin with blue hair plaited over one shoulder. She is kind.
  Greenwarden Inn - 5 silver per night
  A small wooden building with small one person rooms, they are small circular rooms with really cozy looking round beds, big enough for one, a small plant that is lit up acts like a lap, getting into the bed feels somewhat like being hugged by the bed. They have the best night sleep imaginable. Food and drink is provided, along with a group bathing room.
  Larisal - A pale skinned Elf, with a purple elven design looking vine is tattooed down the side of her face.

YolandaThe Wicker Witch

  Yolanda is a local legend, she’s a hag that lives away from groups of people but is welcoming of guests, she bargains with people for wishes. She's a creature that's got somewhat elven features and not as horribly ugly as Hag would suggest however she has blackened fang like teeth, and has started to turn Wicker herself. She can turn violent if people threaten her, turning them into her Wicker Men. Her home is off to the North West, in the more boggy part of the wetlands.
  The Hags Home
  Heading northwest the muddy ground becomes less and less common as the party finds themselves inside water that is knee high, wading through is tough where one of the players will be bitten by a venomous snake Con save 14 to be poisoned, a small home stands alone in the thick mist on a small island the water gets deeper and deeper until the party is swimming through once they arrive there isn’t much surrounding the house there is a small wood hut and no one inside, a voice picks up… Yolanda is perched on the roof of the building.
  “My my… it has been a while Lyra Evervail, it looks like the strings of fate have reunited me with my little corpse.” She will talk to the players one by one.
  Many years ago when Lyra was born she was a still born smothered by her sister in the womb, to the far end of the Eversong Woods which is now known as the Ghostlands where Yolanda used to live, she gave life to Lyra in exchange for Lyras mother's life. Whoever rolls the highest finds.
  Rewards a small box inside with a set of playing cards inside (The deck of many things).


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