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Helps you to get where you going, but you need to know where you are first!

A compass is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions or points. Strictly speaking, there are two versions of compasses on Easthalen and knowing which version you have can prevent navigational mistakes.  
  1. Polar
  2. Beacon


A Polar Compass works just the same as it would on other worlds, pointing towards the magnetic north pole (or others).  


A Beacon Class compass works by pointing towards the Beacon, the beam of light that is emitted from Halen's Cathedral and is the source of the Great Barrier . As this is at the centre of the world, this compass version will always point towards the Beacon.     It is not uncommon for navigators to have two compasses, one for the pole/north with the second being a Beacon type. It is possible to combine the two into one item for ease of transport, but this does increase complexity and costs by a fair margin, making it easier and cheaper to simply have the two variations as separate items.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A floating pointer, such as a needle or similar, points towards the subject to which the compass is configured, such as the pole or the Beacon


The compass is of high significance to navigators and explorers, even though in man ways certain magic and spells are more accurate, sometimes you can't use magic or it is risky to do so. Then you require something more mundane.
Item type
Navigational Aid / Instrument
Rare outside of navigation and explorer circles, common to the point of being standard within
50g to 100g, depending on material used
Standard design is approximately 10 cm x 10 cm x 1.5 cm, with many variations
Base Price
Regular = 10gp, Beacon variation = 15gp, Combined = 40gp
Raw materials & Components
A non-ferrous shell (so no iron) with a needle or other pointer capable of floating and turning with no issues. This needle/pointer needs to be configured towards magnetism (for the standard variation) or divine energy (for the Beacon version).
Crude version can be made with only the simplest of tools, but for accuracy and design, the equivalent of jewellers tools are normally used.


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