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Creatures and Caverns (game)

You can try it, lets see what happens!

What's the deal with all these funny shaped dice?
  Creatures and Caverns is, at its heart a game of imagination and storytelling.


Having only been around for a few decades, this game has become rather more popular of late, despite at one point being blamed for a spate of demon summonings and even a Surge wiping out a small village. The original maker says she got the idea from her father who had travelled to planes and had encountered a tale of several groups who gather together to play this game and tell what amount to stories within a frame of rules to keep things fair.


There are several variations that have sprung up around the world, with more appearing as time goes by. Essentially, the Sage, the name of the person who directs and describes the environment and the story. Those playing then respond with what their characters are doing. The dice are used to add in a random element and help decide the outcome of uncertain events, such as an attack or telling a tall tale.

Components and tools

Some purists say you need to have the full kit, sheets to record information everything. But, essentially, all you need is people, time and imagination. A way of randomly making a decision or results of actions does help, and dice are the most convenient.


Generally speaking, there need to be at least two people. One as the Sage, the other as the player.


This game is played whenever there is time and space to do so. As it's considered a good way to pass time on long-distance journeys, this has helped spread knowledge and variations of the game.


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