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Kaleous Velar

Kaleous Jorin Velar (a.k.a. Little Sis)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Brotherhood of Hooded Mercy to the then ruling family, Kaleous was always destined to rule the BoHM. Despite growing up in a nation regarded as assassins, rogues and ner-do-wells, Kaleous is regarded as one of the fairest, yet deadliest, leaders to deal with, diplomatically speaking.

Gender Identity

Kaleous goes by She/Her pronouns in private but due to the nature of the Brotherhood of Hooded Mercy in official events is addressed as he/him. Most people simply go with they/them, which is accepted but some people look down on.


Kaleous is asexual


Trained since birth in the art of not only rulership but dealing with your foes, with killing as a last resort. With her parents being both the previous ruler and her "Chosen Professional", Kaleous is one of the deadliest leaders in the 12 great houses.


Kaleous only "job" has been working for the Brotherhood, it is her life and everything to her.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Taking over the reins of the BoHM at a early age (20) from her mother , who died in childbirth giving birth to her younger brother.

Failures & Embarrassments

Kaleous only public known embarrassment was when her father was injured whilst on a family holiday. She believed it to be her fault for not dealing with the assailant quick enough. Her father, ever calm, assures here that never could have been done and that sometimes "these things happen"

Mental Trauma

Although not stated publicly, Kaleous is obsessed with protecting her "family" both biological and those she considers kin. Anything or anyone that is seen as a threat to those she cares about, including the Brotherhood, is dealt with, sometimes quite harshly and painfully.

Intellectual Characteristics

Can speak multiple languages fluently. Was always said that if she had been born elsewhere her natural talent for learning languages would have made her a perfect diplomat.

Morality & Philosophy

Kaleous morality can be described with the saying "Family comes first" and extends this to all her family and those she regards as such.

Personality Characteristics


To protect my family and those under my care at all costs

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at: Intimdimdation, veiled threats, getting others to underestimate her   Bad at : Knowing when to back down or walk away from a problem

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Cat, dogs, small cute animals, new languages, learning about her opponents, eating unhealthy food Hates: Wasps, rude people
Chaotic Neautral
Year of Birth
1440 AB 42 Years old
Light blue, almost grey
Short and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark olive
5 foot ten
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "We'll see"
  • "Of course you would say that"
  • "Oh no..what is poor defenceless me to do without my guards here "
  • "*something unpleasent in infernal*"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Halenic, Elven, Dwarfen, Gnomish, Stout, Infernal, Celestial


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